God created all men from His own His own Great Spirit body. Whatever He is, we are. Do not be deceived just because you find yourself temporarily stuck in a clay envelope. God is a Spirit and so are you! Everything in nature teaches you as the parents are so are the offspring. If I show you a worm on a leaf and tell you this is really a butterfly you could understand its realism. If I tell you to look in a mirror and behold an angel of God, how would you react?! Yet Jacob was called a worm, Isaiah 41:14, and at the proper time he flew away, Psalm 90:10! Why should you be amazed when you have heard it said, "Nothing is impossible with God"? Do you have the problem of doubting God and unbelief? Oh, Israel (all humanity) how long will you doubt your Father in this wilderness of sin (the earth)? All men gather under the Heavenly Altar (inside of Heaven, not in some hole in the ground) where they are "altered" by hallowed fire, Revelation 6:9-14. I know some of those doctrines of ignorance you were taught in the churches say the contrary, but John saw the "right thing" and many of you and your preachers are blind! Solomon was given a golden WORD in Ecclesiastes 4:1-2, 12:7, but how many of you bought his golden talents? Paul discovered in his later years that all men assemble above in Heaven, Hebrews 12:22-24. How many of you discovered that diamond text? Many of you have preferred the rough and scrub word around it and failed to gather that jewel. The WORD of GOD is like a great field full of buried gold, silver, jewels, rocks, woods, flowers, weeds, edible plants, all kinds of birds and animals, and weeds and bramble, … and snakes. All these things are in word form. What you have chosen out of all the things written determines your spiritual wealth! In the "GOOD NEWS" we have chosen the gold and silver texts. We have collected diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and pearls and much more. We have the riches of the Most High. These are the things that are our true FAMILY heritage and they belong to our peace. Many of you are poverty struck when you do not have to be. In your treasure box you have rocks, sticks, dirt, brambles, glass and maybe a jewel or two and maybe a few pieces of gold and silver. Still you are not rich. Revelations 13:7-11, and Daniel 7:21-22, 8:8-12 teach that all the churches are clawed by the dragon and will remain that way until judgment day and when they rise to Heaven. Yet you preachers teach that you all are in the light and doing great works for God through your evangelism. Let us get it straight! Whom should men believe, John and Daniel whom we know God led and used or you "mammon" takers who we know God does not teach? Luke 16:11-13. To all you readers out there, we are challenging you to choose between the fruits of two sets of trees. Two were fruitful branches from the tree of life, John and Daniel. And all those others with "tithes and offerings" in their hand have "the root of all evil"! I Timothy 6:10. You tell a tree by the fruit it bares and those with green fingers have the "mark of the beast in their hand"! Revelation 13:11.

How much better it is to know that you are royalty, a son of God (butterfly) and being a son of man (worm) is only a temporary stage?! You do not have to ask "What is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him." We have progressed from the days of darkness. You can shout, "I am a son of God! He is eternal and so am I! Meet me upstairs and see me shine!" Hey! Are you hungry for your heritage? Then get into these:

God Is ALL in ALL!

God Gave Us His Great Self!

The Wonderful One!

Your Descendants, Lineage, and Ancestry!

I Dwell In Them And Walk In Them!


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