Enoch's writings reveal that he read the heavenly tablets and learned everything, Secrets 22:10,11. John wept because no man was found worthy to open THE BOOK, to open its seals and read it, Revelation 5:1-5. Throughout time attempts have been made to hide the WORD OF GOD and/or to destroy it. But the WORD OF GOD is everlasting! THE BOOK cannot be destroyed! Consider the "tablets of stone" and the written testimony, the books that Moses placed in the side of the "ark", Deuteronomy 31:24-26. Where are they now? Could the loss or destruction of the "ark" mean a loss of the WORD OF GOD? King Jehoiakim burned a prophecy GOD sent to him by Jeremiah, but he could not destroy the WORD because GOD sent him those same words again and added more to them, Jeremiah 36:27-28,32. The WORD was not Jeremiah as this case so clearly illustrates, nor was it "scroll and ink". THE WORD IS GOD! Every attempt by the enemy to use man, time, and weather to get rid of the WORD has been an exercise in futility, stupidity, and defeat.

Just what are these "heavenly tablets"? The spirit gave Paul a "key" to the meaning of this many years later and he wrote, "Ye are our epistle...not written with ink, but with the spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tablets of the heart", 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. We understand that God and the angels have photographic minds. So "tables of the heart" refers to the mind! Angels of glory are the "tablets" Enoch read, whose words of instruction he wrote down. Similarly THE BOOK is a compilation of thoughts and words of God and angels written either on paper or in the "fleshy tables of the heart" of a man. In the Highest sense all those angels Enoch talked to form the "pages" of THE BOOK. Jesus was called the WORD OF GOD, John 1:1,14. And of him it is written..."I come, in the volume of a book it is written of me...thy law is in my heart", Psalm 40:7-8. So he was the WORD made flesh with the law written in his mind. Jesus was a walking, talking "book". When he spoke, THE BOOK WAS OPEN!! And his disciples recorded his words and deeds.

Every writer sent from God receives his messages for recording from the living tablets of heaven. By the same token the "GOOD NEWS" is not the word of this editor. The "lines", thought-concepts, and the sequences of interconnected scriptural references are dictations from the Spirits of God. John saw a white horse and his rider had a "many crowns upon his head", Revelation 19:11-12. A "crown of life" is GOD or an angel and their thoughts, Isaiah 28:5, 62:3. Therefore "many crowns" on one's head are the thoughts and words of many living spirits of God. The book of Isaiah may bear his name, but it is the composition of many "crowning angels" whose words adored his head. Enoch's books also came from many "crowns of God". And John in writing the Revelation not only wore Jesus as a crown, but also the thoughts of many other holy spirits. MANY CROWNS HAVE COMPILED THE "GOOD NEWS" as a testimony of the WORD OF GOD. John saw the "books open", Revelation 20:12. In other words he saw the angels teaching and testifying the truth and the "mystery of God" and the "mystery of godliness". Since MANY CROWNS = MANY BOOKS = MANY ANGELS and hence MANY WORDS OF GOD, it is totally impossible to destroy the WORD because it is truly "spirit", Holy Spirits, and they are life! Man's writings on skin and papyrus or paper are just that. And destroying such recordings written with pen and ink does not budge the WORD nor remove the testimony!! Every line and every thought is faithfully recorded (photographed) in the minds of the living "spirits of just men made perfect" as fast as they rise, Hebrews 12:22-24. No previous generation of humanity is deprived to the WORD OF GOD, Psalm 145:4-7,10-13. So we count devils and their attempts to destroy THE WORD as ridiculous "failures"!! Their attempts to destroy the WORD (Ezekiel 34:16-20) have served to show heaven by negative emphasis, the extreme VALUE OF GOD'S WRITTEN THOUGHTS ... by all they have done to mess it up and by all they have done to destroy God's writers.

No man was found worthy to open THE BOOK, or to look at it, or to read it. (And now you understand why)! We can say that in another way since we know that God is really His own WORD. We can say, "No man was found worthy to look upon God's mind, to open or read (understand) it in written form, Isaiah 40:13-14,28. However Jesus could do it! And he teaches those on earth selected by God, the heart-searcher, and found to be "worthy", Jeremiah 17:9-10. Men may count themselves "worthy" but God picks Jesus' students, Proverbs 21:2; Luke 16:15. "Self-flattery" does not impress the Teacher! John 14:23; Revelation 3:20. NOTICE that God does not send His students to a Bible school or seminary to be taught by men! He and Jesus do it personally! So the BOOKS ARE OPEN, that is angelic "holy spirits" are speaking. And only human beings (ALL MEN) were found worthy to stand before God, who died at the hands of the powers of darkness, and to be presented without fault through Jesus' work and his blood! . We interject also that when Jesus "OPENS THE BOOK" OR "SUPS" with his students he does it "precept upon precept, line upon line," for he is the WORD OF GOD, Isaiah 8:20, 28:9-10; Luke 24:27,32. Those who hate to look up a "line" of scriptures here, there, and everywhere will never learn what Jesus has to say or with what "words" he says it as HE PUTS GOD'S WORD PUZZLE IN ORDER, Psalm 50:16-21. And since we learned that "sin is a demon", New American Bible or New English Bible, we understand more easily why ONLY THE PRINCE AND POWER OF THE AIR AND HIS FAMILY OF INVISIBLE DEMONS ARE JUDGED AND DAMNED! Isaiah 14:12,21-22; Matthew 23:33, 25:41; John 12:31, 16:7-8,11. They cannot "stand before God" nor dwell on earth's surface the way men do, Matthew 5:5. In God's eyes men are "sheep" and they were created "meek"! But ALL HUMANKIND is JUSTIFIED in spite of the crimes they may be enslaved in by demons at this very moment!! Isaiah 45:24-25, 54:17; Romans 5:15-19, 7:14-25 ... OH,YES!! YOUR EYES DID READ CORRECTLY...MAN IS "JUSTIFIED" by the Supreme JUDGE while caught in the "act" of sin, Numbers 23:18-23; Luke 7:41-43, 15:20-24; John 5:50, 8:1-12,15-16! How about the everlasting LOVE AND MERCY of YOUR FATHER!! YOU ought to give Him your applause right NOW! So "it is written" in THE BOOKS, even so it continues to be done as HIS WILL on earth as it is in Heaven! AMEN!! Isaiah 29:18-21. Is this the "mystery" of love? You ought to rejoice at these "TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY WHICH SHALL BE TO ALL PEOPLE AND THIS GOOD WILL TO MEN"!!

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