When God said, "let us make man in our image and after our likeness He was consulting with His
Wife and your Mother. She was His first created being. Males are made in the likeness of the
Father. Females are made in the likeness of our Mother. The Fifth Commandment teaches us to
honor both parents, not just earthly parents, but God and Wisdom also. They parented us as
spirits which is our true being. We on earth are presently stuck in clay bodies. The truth is God is
a Spirit and so are we. Not one child was made at that point, not even Jesus. The PLAN was to
have billions of children to be "FAMILY". All men were nursery mates quietly and unconsciously
awaiting our turn and our "generation" to be placed in the womb of a sister on earth. Twelve
pairs of sisters and brothers were chosen to be the first family. These are the "archangels," males
and the "virtues," or virgin sisters. Why did God mention little about the females of our FAMILY
and their work in Heaven? Much has been a mystery to men about the presence of females up
there. Men have little or no perception of the work the sisters perform in the work of salvation.
Solomon, David and Hermas were given a triple witness to their activities. Those who are
capable of eating "shewbread" and can accept talents lawful only for a real priest of the Most
High and those he feeds will be delighted to learn of how the FAMILY works together as a team
to "raise the children". The collection of letters here reveal what has been happening all along.
Dig in and learn something new! This is not the peripheral kindergarten stuff you were taught in
the churches.
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