Now that we know devils have their own "type" of flesh which is of dust and invisible to human eyes, let us tie up a few loose, "scriptural" ends and build upon that foundation of new information. There are certain texts which have appeared to be extraneous in God's WORD PUZZLE. They seem to have no logical "place" in the picture God has been painting prior to now. But with the new revelation of the "man of sin" and devils' invisible flesh, we can go back over what we have learned and incorporate those texts into a cohesive and picturesque mosaic weaved by God's own mind.

In the last letter, "Who Told Them They Cannot Die", geared to mock and intimidate devils with revelations about themselves, God revealed that he made a mechanical "robot" spirit with built-in musical instruments. This light has upset many doctrines and theories about the so-called fallen angels(?)! Some have taught that Lucifer is a "son" to be reconciled. They erred, not knowing he was always a non-living sophisticated robot, an imitation spirit to be used as a teaching tool by God. Such errors ahead of God's schedule for unsealing the "mystery of iniquity" are now exposed as fables. All "dung" doctrines must be flushed down the toilet as rejects. Evil spirits are "waste" just like the garbage you incinerate. No profit and constructive end can be gained by keeping them around throughout eternity. God planned to do away with them all along and rid creation of the memory of sin, Isaiah 54:4, 65:16-17; II Esdras 6:1-6. Your Father is a God of LOVE who loves only the "LIVING", namely His offsprings. It is not inconsistent with His "goodness" to dissolve the "trash", this huge mass of invisible mechanical robot fake-spirits that we call the kingdom of devils. As teaching tools He uses to help educate us by providing contrast, He has no further need of them once all of us are properly educated.

We mentioned Isaiah 66:23-24, that it can now be understood in light of the fact that demons have their own variety of invisible flesh. Since God shows the newly risen the kingdom of devils whom they must "watch" and fight on behalf of mankind, they do return and look upon the flesh of those who have transgressed the commandments of God, Malachi 3:6,17-18. It is written that ALL FLESH meaning (human beings) will be in heaven honoring God from new moon to new moon. These are "the just spirits of men made perfect, Hebrews 12:22-24, as differentiated from the "dead", "fleshy", robot-spirits of Satan who accumulate in hell. "Worms" eat the flesh of the dead. And "Jacob", the "supplanters" which refer to human beings, has been referred to as a worm, Isaiah 41:14. Therefore they (mankind) "die not" as in true death yet to come. For a devil merely to touch a human being is cause for his extermination, Zechariah 2:8. Unquenched fire means the "sentence and verdict" condemning devils to eternal death by fire is irreversible and permanent. To touch a man has the same effect on demons as natural worms have on human bodies. They eventually disappear.

Isaiah 49:26 states that God "will feed our enemies with their own flesh and with their own blood as sweet wine". Recall that Jesus said his WORD was his flesh and his doctrine of forgiveness and salvation was his BLOOD-WINE, John 6:53,63. Similarly devils' words are their flesh and blood. Their blood is their wine (words) from the vine of Sodom and grapes of gall, Deuteronomy 32:32-34. They have perpetuated the "gospel of death and condemnation" so rampant in today's churches even though Jesus did away with it, II Corinthians 3:7-11. But those words of condemnation and death have consumed only their kingdom. Therefore they have eaten up only themselves by the preaching of hell-fire damnation doctrines, Ezekiel 29:3-5; II Corinthians 11:13-15. Pharaoh's (Satan's) scales are his own scales of injustice by which his kingdom judged and condemned mankind in their teaching of what the judgment of God is all about. But God has judged them by their own words, Proverbs 30:10; Matthew 7:1-2; Revelation 12:10-12.

Revelation 19:21 is now understood in the spiritual sense. Our warfare is not with human beings. Therefore the army of heaven is seen in this vision as defeating the invisible nation of devils. The birds are parables for devils themselves, Revelation 18:2. Again it is their own "words", their "flesh", which they eat...just as we eat Jesus' WORDS in order to eat his flesh. Also it is by the WORDS (SWORD) coming from God's mouth that devils are slain. It is also by His WORD that devils are revealed to be robots, dead imitation, android spirits.

Now let us tackle Luke 24:39. Jesus said a "spirit does not have flesh and bones as I have". Here the disciples were afraid because they thought they were seeing an evil spirit. From Jesus' response, we learn that devils do not have the same type of flesh as Christ had which was "feelable", and they do not have bones. The "type" of flesh devils do have is unfeelable and invisible to men. In addition they have "built-in" musical instruments which reveal them to be mechanical entities. We stress that Jesus did not say that devils do not have their own type of flesh. But his type of flesh, which doubting Thomas "felt", devils do not have.

In Ezekiel 32:5 God tells Satan He will "lay his flesh upon the mountains and fill the valleys with their height". Spiritually speaking a "mountain" is God's minister or a wise man on earth. "Valleys" are symbolic for men deficient in the wisdom and understanding of heaven. Since devils must cling to our bodies to avoid their "pit-fall", their flesh is laid upon the spiritual "mountains" when they attack God's priests and ministers. Also since devils cover all men as a "badgerskin veil" and men dwell in the mountains and valleys of the earth, then they are filled with the height of devils in that manner. When devils pile on top of each other on the bodies of the poor and ignorant among men, then the valleys of the earth are filled with their height. Now look at Ezekiel 32:6. Recall that Satan's wine or blood is his doctrine of lies, the false gospel of condemnation and death of men, as Jesus' flesh and blood are his WORDS. Using that key, we find the text in question saying Satan's words will be feverishly and frantically poured over God's ministers in am attempt to lead them astray. "Rivers will be full of thee" means devils will contaminate the doctrines preached on earth, for out of the bellies of men they control will flow rivers of Dragon water in contrast to rivers of living water preached by God's ministers, John 7:38; Revelation 12:17.

In the last letter we learned that God used Adam's body as an object of prophecy to teach Satan what He meant when He said Satan would "die" for his rebellion in heaven. We could have gleaned a key to the "revelation of the man of sin", if only we had understood God's language in Genesis 3:19. In that text where Adam was "acting" the trespass "role" of Satan's disobedience, God said, "for dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return, for out of it thou wast taken". God revealed right then and there that Satan was made of dust. Since all flesh is dust, we should have learned the corollary that Satan must also have his own type of invisible flesh. HIS FLESH is SELFISH. Selfishness is not a beatitude. It is an ignoble characteristic which devils have conditioned into men. God's quality is to give to Himself and of Himself. So when men are removed from the flesh and uplifted to heaven as spirits, all selfishness disappears.

If you have understood that "mystery, Babylon" is really the name of Satan's wife, learn something else also. Compare God's words to the real serpent in Genesis 3:14 and Isaiah 47:1. The serpent crawls in the dust on his belly, and Satan's daughters are commanded to "sit on the ground in the dust". Our bodies are made of dust and they cling to them using them for "houses", "seats", and "horses". The two texts are fulfilled when they hang on to us. Consider also . Devils asked in their hearts, "Who shall bring me down to the ground?" Obviously GOD DID IT with a WORD scrambled in writings thousands of years ago. Today He has set His WORD in order before their eyes, Psalm 50:16-21. Devils are dust (fleshy) and cling to the dust (bodies of men and animals) to escape the bottomless pit. And it is by His WORD that He has "ground them into powder" (dust), Isaiah 47:1; Jeremiah 51:61-64; Luke 20:17-18.

Prior to the burning of Sodom (ancient rendering of the name Satan) and Gomorrah, God came down to personally investigate the crimes being committed and to judge them for it. This event was an act of prophecy for Satan's attention concerning what God planned to do to his kingdom in the end. The advent of the "Son" of God 2000 years ago was a great intimidation to the kingdom of devils who knew God's practice and thought Jesus came to judge them ahead of schedule, Matthew 8:29. Jesus was a judge and he did conduct an "inquest", but it was for the salvation and justification of mankind. Nevertheless he did take back firsthand evidence to God as a witness to the crimes demons were forcing on men through controlled possession, Matthew 11:12; Luke 13, 16; John 5:22, 8:26. The end that devils feared and complained about is NOW! God has come down "in secret" disguised in each man to see and hear "whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it" (Genesis 18:21) as an eye witness. Jesus warned of this time signalling the prelude to demonic annihilation saying, "as it was in the days of Lot", Luke 17:28-29. Devils tried to do deviate sexual acts with the angels then. Today "gay" persons have organized into a movement. When Jesus came down and devils discovered that he would not harm them, then they killed him. Today God has appeared in flesh in a special son chosen to judge Satan and Babylon, to charge them vocally before the Heavenly Court for the crimes he saw and the confessions he heard, II . Just as it was in the days of ancient Sodom when Lot was removed and the fire came down, so will it be in the END when the "lot of the Lord's inheritance" is removed. Fire will fall and create that dreaded lake of fire! Deuteronomy 32:9; Psalm 82:8; Isaiah 6:11-12, 14:12,21-22, 34:8-9. God's "lot" is ALL MANKIND. When all men in the last generation are "suddenly removed"....then this pit and its imprisoned demons will be set afire!

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