The Book of Death

HEADLINE: "But ungodly men (of sin or devils) by their words and deeds summoned death; considering him a friend, they pined away and they made a covenant with him, because they are fit to belong to his party" .... "through the devil's envy death entered the world, and those who belong to his party (family or the invisible kingdom) experience it," Wisdom of Solomon 1:16, 2:24, The Apocrypha.

We have expressed to you that the WORD of GOD comes to us double-sealed, with blue and scarlet (WORD) cloths delivered by the archangels who spoke with the various writers, and with a "badgerskin veil" of natural-minded error and "lies" supplied by devils on the writers. ALL men on earth were symbolized as "ramskin dyed red" with a "badgerskin covering" above it .... and YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE symbolized by the tabernacle of Moses, Exodus 26:14. These are not lies nor deceits describing man's conditions while upon earth. "Running away from spiritual reality" cannot change the conditions set by God. Preferring "ignorance" of the mysteries regarding our sojourn on earth is folly on the battle field. Let me tell you now, "I do not like this!" I hate it -- but I cannot do anything about it! I am not God! HE CHOSE THIS METHOD OF EDUCATING US!" Wishing, hoping, desiring, and unbelief cannot change that fact that our bodies are God's temple .... and "badgerskin" (demons) veils do cover us. YOU WERE CHOSEN TO HAVE YOUR EYES OPEN AS A MATURE WATCHMAN. So understand the pertinent things concerned with your LIFE! Just because you are a human being (child of God) eternity is yours! Getting back to our point about the double-veiled scriptures ---- only Jesus as a true heavenly Priest was given power to "unseal" or open the scriptures, Psalm 14:2-4; Isaiah 59:16; Revelation 5:1-5. A true PRIEST OF THE MOST HIGH GOD OF HEAVEN ATONES (places all sins of all people for all times on demons) and acts and thinks like it is fact! We want to stress the difference between heavenly thoughts and ways and man's earthly thoughts and ways to help you determine for yourself if YOU are a heavenly priest or an earthly priest Isaiah 55:7-10; John 3:32-33. Hopefully the wording is not offensive to you, but this is not man's show. This is GOD'S PROGRAM and even YOU have to learn to dance to HIS MUSIC! You are not dealing with this editor in the "GOOD NEWS!" God is doing this and John is just an employee of the COURT! If you cannot think of men as "guiltless" like THE SUPREME JUDGE, JUDGE JESUS, and THE HEAVENLY JURY do at this time -- you are not a priest of God -- no matter how your demons flatter you in self-conceit! The "holy things" and "SHEWBREAD" contained in all the writings and the Bible are "lawful" food only for a priest truly sent and ordained by God, and whoever he shall feed. Unauthorized men do slander the writings and fail to grasp their significance due to the covering power of their personal badgerskin veils.

Having said these things, consider our HEADLINE. We do not have to explain to you who "man of sin" refers to nor who the word "ungodly" refers to. The "men of sin" are devils and the "ungodly" also are devils who are temporary entities not created from God's spiritual body substance. True death is yet to come. It is a permanent and total erasing of demons from existence by fire. It will be a new thing never done by God before. The earth where sin was committed and became man's prison house shall also be erased by fire. While on stage man's body served as a constant reminder to devils of the meaning of their punishment for sin while in heaven and on earth. DEATH was a new term to Satan and Babylon in their heavenly conviction. So when God cast them into the pit (ATONED, Enoch Chapter 10) He had to show them what He meant by the term "death". Man's body has been used to illustrate over and over again what God PLANS to do to Satan's household! Even as the clay bodies and bones of men dissolved and disappeared by the WORD (FIRE) .... "burned without the camp as sin offerings" Exodus 29:14; Hebrews 13:11-13 .... ALL DEVILS, AND ONLY DEVILS, WILL BE COMPLETELY TERMINATED BY THE WORD (FIRE) and disappear as though they had never been, Psalm 37:10; Isaiah 41:11-12. This is the SECOND DEATH and there is none like it, so that the first death man participates in on stage pales by comparison. In stage-death the earth-stage remained, but in this true death yet to come, demons and the earth-stage will completely disappear! Isaiah 24:1,5-6,16-22; Matthew 24:34-35; 2 Peter 3:10-13. The first death is only an illustration from the JUDGE in the Outer Court using man's body for prophetic and revelation (illustrative) purposes. But as our HEADLINE states, Satan, Babylon and their invisible demons "summoned death" from our Court in a "COURT SUMMONS," and only "his party (will) experience it," Isaiah 14:12,21-22; Matthew 23:33, 25:41, Enoch 68:4,5.

We have also discussed what God means by the word "book". We discovered that our heads are BOOKS in which words, thoughts, and ideas may be memorialized or written. ALL MEN ARE PAGES IN THE BOOK OF LIFE. There is a corollary to all of this. There is a BOOK OF DEATH. Each demon is a page in it and his own head is an "epistle." They have a huge problem in our Outer Court .... They brought their own personal books of transgression with them on which all their evil deeds are recorded! Now, God uses his children on stage as participants in prophetical acts whether they know it or not. Two such "judicial acts" illustrate the predicament devils are in:

(1) The trial of the "Chicago 8" in which Judge Julius Hoffman gagged and bound the unruly defendants to their chairs in court and forced them to hear their trial and to be present in court. In our Outer Court devils are bound to men's bodies due to fear of falling back into the pit. They are forced to see and hear the VERDICTS of the JUDGE when you discuss and debate the "GOOD NEWS"! Isaiah 27:7-8, 28:19-20.

(2) In the Watergate Trials, President Nixon had made tapes of his White House conversations and these tapes were used as trial evidence against him. Devils having photographic minds (they cannot forget anything) memorialized or recorded every evil deed they did or saw done throughout time. So not only have they brought their personal BOOKS OF SIN where every criminal act done to men and animals throughout every generation is recorded -- but they have brought "video tapes" which only the SUPREME JUDGE has power to view at will! God can read a demon's mind like you can open a book and read it and look at the pictures in it. He can tell their real activities from their attempts to cover them with lies and frauds. There is no hiding from God! Jeremiah 17:10.

Enoch warned of these things in the beginning when he wrote: "Woe to you, ye sinners, for your riches make you appear like the righteous but your hearts convict you of being sinners, and this fact shall be a testimony against you for a memorial of your evil deeds. Woe to you who work unrighteousness and deceit and blasphemy: it shall be a memorial against you for evil," Enoch 96:4,7. "Woe to you, ye sinners, who live on the mid ocean (see Revelation 17:1,15) and the dry land (Matthew 12:43-45), whose remembrance is evil against you," Enoch 97:7. "Do not think in your spirit nor say in your heart that ye do not know and that ye do not see that every sin is every day recorded in heaven in the presence of the Most High. From henceforth ye know that all your oppression where with ye oppress is written down every day till the day of your judgement," Enoch 98:7,8. "I have sworn to you, ye sinners, by the holy great one, that all your deeds are revealed in the heavens, and that none of your deeds of oppression are covered and hidden," Enoch 98:6. So if it was possible that God was not watching the earth from time to time, or that the heavenly "Watchers" were not watching men at certain times, all the sins committed by devils against God and mankind are recorded along with all attempts to mentally cover them up in demons' own heads. All of them have brought their sin records and video tapes to trial with them. It is their own HEADS! God sees and hears everything. He can read hearts or minds and He reviews demons' "tapes" exactly the way they saw and heard things. Worse yet is that any evil deed that was done to any man at any time anywhere, GOD SUFFERED WITH THAT PERSON sharing His sensations with His child, Isaiah 63:9; Matthew 26:41-45; 2 Corinthians 6:19. Since God is really YOU moreso than you are you, anything done to you is simultaneously done to Him, Ode 7:4-15. In placing man down here with the Dragon, God also subjected Himself to crucifixion. He has been in pain longer than any one of us, suffering for almost 7,000 years constantly! So when you sympathize with the pain of any one man, group of people, or race of men, understand that nothing can match the longsuffering of your Father! What we feel is a sharing of what He feels. WE LIVE IN HIS LIFE AS HE LIVES OUR LIVES IN US!

Since men are the "living" by definition, and a man on earth enslaved to devils is called "the living dead," Ephesians 2:1-3, let us go back to Revelation 20:12. It says "and the books were opened" and among other things "the dead were judged out of those things that were written in the books according to their works." Let us view that text from the perspective of the SUPREME JUDGE. "The books were opened" means He reviewed demons' memories of their personal activities and the events they observed throughout time. In other words He saw and heard their "video tapes." Continuing with our text, He judged devils by the things written in their memories according to their works. Since devils are non-living mechanical spirits made from the dust of heaven, they are by definition "the congregation of the DEAD", and actually "twice dead," Jude 1:6,12. I have a difficult time persuading some men to believe Jesus -- that "not one sheep is lost, but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled, and convincing the world of judgment because the prince of this world is judged", Matthew 18:11-14; John 10:28-29, 16:8,11, 17:12. Devils do not want men to know their predicament. They are afraid we will torment them. I torment them and I am glad to do it! Psalm 2:4, 52:6-7; Matthew 8:29; 2 Esdras 13:37-38.

Now we want to call your attention to the drawings in this letter. Egypt symbolized the pit or world-chessboard conditions. The land of Goshen where Israel dwelt was within the boundaries of Egypt. If you look at a map of Egypt, you see the Red Sea shaped like a real dragon or crocodile. The Nile River crooks like a real snake forking its tongue into the Mediterranean Sea. When God works a parable, He makes the land mass on stage resemble its meaning to the smallest detail. This is the view the new Host members see from above as the Archangels teach them the meaning of the act with Moses and Pharaoh. At the bottom of the drawing is the mental picture you should see when the Spirit calls our world "Sodom and Egypt," Revelation 11:8. While on earth "men cannot see the forest because they are too close to the trees". Anyway, "Goshen" is earth's surface where mankind dwells, and the bottomless pit or the whole of spiritual Egypt is depicted by the clouded area where devils fall in endless circles through everything unless they can grab a flesh body and climb into what the spirit calls "the sides of the pit," Ezekiel 32:23. Concerning the "graves" of demonic kingdoms, you must visualize them as the living bodies of men who are "spiritually dead to God." We explained these things in detail in The Second Resurrection dated March 10, 1987, and the proper mental-picture concepts you should see appeared in The Beginning of Revenges, March 2, 1989. Our "bodies" are clay graves, wooden caskets, and stone tombs for devils on us, Isaiah 61:3, 64:8; Ephesians 2:1-3; 1 Peter 2:5. Because God's SHEEP (mankind, Ezekiel 34:31) are considered MEEK, we notice Jesus saying, "the meek shall inherit the earth" .... in other words "only mankind can live in spiritual Goshen or inherit power to live on earth's surface". Conversely, "the pit" where devils wander in endless circles and accumulate or congregate has been described by the spirit as "the congregation of the dead," Proverbs 21:16. To illustrate the point that the spiritual Egyptians (kingdom of darkness) do abide in "the pit", it is written, "For He created all things that they might exist, and the generative forces of the world are wholesome and there is no destructive poison in them (demonism); AND THE DOMINION OF HADES IS NOT ON EARTH," Wisdom 1:14. Recall that we said multitudes of demons on a flesh-body form SIT-EASE or demonic "cities". Those falling back into the pit HAD-EASE. Therefore, hell conditions are also called "hades". This is the way the Archangels teach their "eyes" (watchers), your brethren who rise up for class daily! All these things occur on stage (the earth) in the middle of the floor of the Outer Court. God is better than the best scientists, and His experiments before the Heavenly Jury results in PERFECT judicial education of new Host members. Job's case was one such experiment and those "watching" learned much by observation and hearing! Jesus' "court act" with the woman caught in adultery was another that enlightened the Heavenly Jurists who "watched", Malachi 3:18. Jesus' words as he hung on the cross must set the pattern of our thinking toward all men actively engaged in sin as demonic slaves in the Outer Court, Luke 23:34. Those "watching" Jesus learned that we do not judge nor condemn men on earth caught in sinful acts, neither do our mouths call for punitive strokes against them. Instead we forgive them .... even if they are in the act of slaying us! That is the KINGS HIGH WAY OF JUDGMENT in regards to our fellow man. The ONE proclaimed to be greater than Jesus goes one step "higher" .... He views all men at all times in all acts as "without sin," Numbers 23:18-23; Acts 10:9-16,28. HIS MOST HIGH THOUGHTS ARE "PERFECT," Isaiah 55:8-9; Matthew 5:48. The natural-minded man with his earthly thoughts, devils, and their human ministers cannot deal with the brightness of your Father's glory, John 3:31-34; 1 Corinthians 2:9-16. They want God to put a veil over His face like Moses did .... cover-up those bright WORDS! If you cannot stand your Father's face and the JUDGE'S BRIGHTNESS hurts your earthly-minded eyes, maybe you do not belong at our FEAST OF LOVE, Song of Solomon 8:6-7, Romans 8:36-39. GOD IS LOVE AND LOVE CONQUERS ALL, Revelations 6:1-2. Do you "hate" what Jesus taught the COURT about judging those "caught in acts of sin" and from those actually killing him? Testament of Gad I:23-31 (Lost Books of the Bible).

Judging by Appearance

God is in a unique position all by Himself as "Creator". The creator must inform the created being of His use and purposes for His creations. Otherwise, how can they know them? The only two in the kingdom of darkness made by God are Satan and Babylon. They reproduced the massive numbers of demons today. It took time for God to gradually reveal to Satan and Babylon what they really are and why He made them. They are "tools" in His teaching program to be discarded after use. They do not like that but no created object can presume to know what he is and why he exists. Only the Creator knows that information. Man also cannot presume what he is and why he exists. The Creator also must inform him of his identity and purpose and what his true nature is. Both men and devils have erred much by presuming and assuming about the nature and purposes of God's creations. Unless God informs us about our life and his creations, we are inclined to JUDGE BY APPEARANCE. Does it seem to you that our world is the floor of the Outer Court and a trial has been conducted here for the past six days (6,000 yrs.)? When we think of "court" we picture a building with a jury box, a judge's desk, and seats for the audience. Yet our world is the Outer Court. The seats for the "accused" are the bodies of men and animals. Adam could not have possibly imagined that God planned all this and he and Eve were the first victims used to illustrate devils' true nature before a "watching" jury. Neither devils nor men can see a huge jury above us listening to us and observing our behavior. Men are so blind they cannot see devils and many wonder if there is a God or a devil! Yet, the Judge and the Jury have conducted a "hearing" and (viewing) for the past six days from the Inner Court of Heaven. It does not seem that God dwells in us and walks in us living our lives with us and sharing His consciousness with us. But that is the reality of LIFE. We feel that we are separate individual "lives" and our thoughts and wills are our own. That is because we judge by appearance and rely on "feelings". But the Creator has informed us that He made us from the very living substance of His spirit -- whatever HE IS. That is the greatest honor, a glory far superior to the glory of His other creations. Men cannot fathom their own majesty. We also cannot see ourselves as Court "seats" for devils. Yet our bodies are used to draw devils to "court". God senses in us and hears in us. He controls what we hear and what demonic mental pictures we will be allowed to see. He controls when and if we feel stimulation from devils striking repeatedly at our brain areas and nerves. In other words I AM bushed those who hate me and my children. There is no better or greater Witness to what befalls any of us than God. Because devils did not see God doing this and man is blind and ignorant of them, they presumed that they could abuse humanity "unseen". But it takes God to inform us of His powers as "God"! I do not mentally set limits to God's power nor do I attempt to define Him. He has to introduce Himself and explain the depth and extent of His power and the meaning of His works. Devils erred not knowing their inner unspoken thoughts were like an open book to God! They did not know their heads were like video tapes to God! Devils have acted ugly in Court before the Judge and "demonstrated" their works before the Jury because they failed to know God and the meaning and purposes of His works. They came to conclusions about His works judging by appearance. Their own thoughts became their death trap. The JUDGE has answered the question "What is man?" And the answer has been a great anguish to them. They never imagined a court and a trial and seats in it in God's shrewd and sophisticated maneuver. Yet these astounding revelations are shocking truths God withheld until this TIME OF THE END. "Awesome" is the WORD as God wields and asserts His AUTHORITY OVER ALL!!! This is HIS COURT!


Devils have a huge problem with God. If only they had not slandered and repressed the writings of Enoch! Needful keys which might have helped them discover God's PLAN and helped them to delay their execution were hidden as a result. Generations of "ignorant" devils therefore multiplied and became the "buffoons" of the Outer Court. The most knowledgeable devils kept silent and the dumbest ones ruled and asserted influence. Babylon in her folly taught her children to plow the clay fields (cause men and women to fornicate and commit adultery) and open up the furrows. God warned them against doing this -- so to punish them HE planted HOLY SEED in the open clay (fertile wombs) to empty His nursery with speed. Their folly shortened devils' stay of execution because MAN IS THE TIME OF THIS WORLD. Wars, killings, abortions, and all forms of death accelerated the race to the END even more. Instead of each DAY lasting 1,000 years down here, men are "fortunate" if they can live "three score and ten years". Babylon is viewed by the JUDGE as responsible for teaching her children to commit these acts against God's children, Revelation 17:1-6, 18:24. Thus, by their works the kingdom of darkness has quickly condensed an almost endless stay of execution into a mere 6,000 years of earthly time and the ABSOLUTE END has approached for all things on earth, 2 Esdras 11:37-46. All devils are at the point of the greatest fall of all times, and of the time to create that dreaded lake of fire. So devils quickly drew "death" (a total erasing by fire) to themselves and only the kingdom of darkness must experience it. Because the JUDGE actually lives the life of each human being sharing His feelings and sensations with each man, He is aware of every evil deed committed against every man because it was done to HIM. GOD AM BUSHED THEM IN US BY DWELLING IN US. It is written in His mind. Actually, He needs no other witness than His own memories. Lying is useless and attempts to accuse man are contemptible to the JUDGE. It is with very great pleasure that I announce to you to "prepare for your rising and eternal life." To all evil spirits, Satan, and Babylon, "prepare to fall." We anxiously await your burning! Luke 17:29-30; Revelation 19:20, 20:14-15.

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