Dear Bruce,

I am happy to be of service not only to God but to you also. I want people to be happy and contented with the friends God created us to be. Those who have friends must show themselves to be friendly, Proverbs 18:24. But those who have not yet learned to love beyond the "vanity each of us have been subjected to" may suffer for it, Proverbs 9:12; I Corinthians 12:21-25. Those scriptures also refer to persons "out of the way of light," Hebrews 5:1-2, as we find exemplified in our Shepherd, Matthew 11:18. There is a difference between the hireling's partiality which is "short of the Glory," , in contrast to MOST HIGH LIGHT, Matthew 5:43-45. This is God's experiment, Ecclesiastes 1:13, and He determines who is to have understanding and who is to remain in a state of ignorance as objects to test our love and to serve as sources of joy when "we think" we have caused them to believe, John 3:27. Act like the Father in "perfect" light, (a) Isaiah 54:8-10, (b) 29:18-21, (c) 58:6,7,9. He is our mirror, and only those who know Him can and should radiate with His glory as the light of the world! Matthew 11:27. Is it wise for us to oppress the "poor in spirit" yet deficient of the Spirit of God as a teacher? Proverbs 14:31; Jonah 4:10-11; Matthew 5:3. The "right hand" is Christ and the left hand belongs to the devil the "fake" Holy Ghost, . Nineveh is all these organized churches deliberately subjected to vanity in many cases to educate Jonahs like you and me. Once I preached fire and brimstone against men, but "the Watchmen caught me, smote me. and took away my veil" when it was time to promote me to spiritual first grade. I was a "tree" cut down (humbled) right!

I am glad you like "Dew Drops". Here are more "do" drops, which I intend to drop on you. This bread must B-READ, so get prepared. Your key is Isaiah 41:18-20, 44:3-4, 61:3, the reverse condition of which is Amos 8:11-14 and (Joel 1:6-7,12; I Peter 5:8). The point is trees equal mankind. Now take that key and "unlock His hair," Song of Solomon 5:11 written in black, Deuteronomy 16:21-22; Isaiah 27:9; Jeremiah 17:1-2; Ezekiel 16:20-25, 20:28. The doctrine of the groves and images is a "hell fire" message which "passes most men through the fire." The grove of trees is the people. The altar, image, and high place at the head of every street are these churches, their altars and the image of Satan in the preacher controlling the false portion of the doctrines taught. You can find all this in any city in the U.S. You must respect and appreciate the Old Testament. It is a parabolic gospel expressing every condition mankind must face until the end. I do not recommend the "Elijah attitude" advanced by Josiah in II Chronicles 34:3-5. I do recommend this "be attitude," Matthew 5:44-45; Luke 9:33-35! Proper tree cutting is done by heaven, Daniel 4:10-37.

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