Dear Bruce,
This book consists of earlier letters which were not included in our first book and some later writings. For various reasons we withheld them. Some things are very technical and too high for the average or non-Bible reader. Some are so explicit, we felt the average person with very little foundation might be frightened into abandoning biblical study after reading them. Some things are so shocking (even to me) that I did not want the average person to experience the trauma I experienced at the revelation. Most of these letters were not included in the packet or book because they were specifically intended for theologians, church heads, and certain "teachers." We "threw stones" spiritually. We were blunt and intolerant and "cut those trees down with Words of rebuke." Having graduated from the school of reproof and learned of God's willful and deliberate subjection of men to certain roles, even vain ones for "higher strata" educational purposes, I have quit trying to change what is fixed by Him. I have learned to be still knowing He is God the Sole Teacher. Light is rationed by Him quite deliberately and He is every man's justification, Amos 4:6-13. God has also opened the 5th Seal on the "mystery of death" to our knowledge, as well as the meaning of the "second coming of the anointed ones." Such talents are proffered to our readers and among them only those chosen by Him will have power to accept and understand it. We have abandoned many popular concepts "highly esteemed" among the churches for the education God has given in "time-release" manner. We have measured the temple and those who worship therein as it has pleased God to show. Thus the temple, its "windows," veils, altar, ark, mercy seat and cherubims attached at its ends, altar of incense, shew bread and table, candlestick, doors, layers for the priests, altar of burnt offerings, inner and outer courts, and the priests themselves have been explicitly illuminated throughout the letters. Even the stones and timbers have been clearly defined. There is pure gold highly refined in these pages. They are yours to observe by superficially observing words with your natural eyes. God will give you what you have sufficient foundation to receive to build the right conceptual picture upon. If you lack proper foundation, then you cannot see the "picture" from God's Word puzzle. "If a man is wise he will be wise for himself." May God give you the "pennies" of light you should receive.
There is also some '"partial knowledge" with some parts dark due to natural application such as Sabbath-Day "arm twists," traditions concerning "church service" based upon partial knowledge of what "the church" is. We have grown since these earlier thoughts were written as you will see. You will also see how God moved our level of thinking gradually up Jacob's ladder in particular with the Sabbath-Day issue. This is the second side of why they were not included in our refined book. Go on and read this work. At some point we may describe your level. When we do, stay on board because greater light is within the pages. Glorify God!