Points to Remember, I

When the body dies, not only is it circumcised free of demons, but the remembrance of evil is cut off from the man ascending as a freed spirit, Ecclesiastes 12:7. The vile mind capable of producing and remembering evils and vain imaginations is possessed by demons only. Men are in the spiritual image of God, and they have His personality which is absolutely pure and devoid of any resemblance of evil, James 1:13; Wisdom 7:22-25; Ecclesiasticus 37:3. Wicked thoughts come to us from demons speaking either in or through our heads. This contact allows them to infiltrate us with their evil "I's". Memory of madness is cut off when there is no contact, or when God closes our spiritual ears to it, Psalms 109:13-14, 146:4; Romans 6:14; I Corinthians 2:6. When you remember that "breath" is a parable meaning the spirit made by Wisdom, Wisdom 7:25, you can understand Psalms 146:4 as another way of stating Ecclesiastes 3:21. Because God Himself does not generate evil thoughts, even He "will remember them no more", when He finally burns demons (sin), Jeremiah 31:34, "New American Bible", Genesis 4:5-7. How does God constantly have sin in remembrance? Psalms 94:4-11; II Thessalonians 2:8. As long as the "accuser" continues making vain imaginations and producing his words, God will have those thoughts produced by demons before him. But when He burns those minds that produce them (demons), then the thoughts of the "dead mechanical spirits" will perish, Isaiah 26:12-14. The concept of death meaning vanishing thoughts and spirit is for demons. We have died first as so many graveyards show. The second death is eternal and for demons only, Isaiah 14:12,16,21-22; Mark 9:1; John 16:7,11; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 19:19-21. So demons will be transformed down to the weakness of man's flesh" to render them burnable and subject to death eternally, whereas they were not before, Matthew 19:26.

In connection with the first paragraph, have you ever wondered why in English many verbs which express past action or state of being end with "d" or "ed"? Revelation 17:8. These verbs (which is Latin-- meaning "words") are always past tense. Thus the thoughts and words that, perish come from the congregation of dead mechanical spirits, Psalms 26:5; Proverbs 7:26-27, 21:16; Matthew 8:22; Revelation 18:4-5,24, II Revelation 6:9-11; Baruch. "Babylon" is guilty of murders, and her family is responsible for all killings. Men involved in such crimes are only poor, possessed, wounded children. God is teaching you this "here a little" style to terrorize all vipers who may happen to read this. Speaking "the King's English" is going to kill them. Observe how God confounds the "dead": DEAD means DE (away) AD (add) or that which Satan put in us, a vile demon, shall be taken away by death and that eternal, Book of Adam and Eve XXVIII:4 (page 148), Ezekiel 20:35-38; Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 17:34-37. Notice also, the question mark looks like a backward Serpent period! It is because they have no understanding, Psalms 14:1-5, Ode 18:10-19.

Jesus has a word to tell you; Psalms 118:27; Proverbs 30:5-6; Isaiah 27:5; John 3:13, 6:37,44, 12:32; I Corinthians 15:16; Hebrews 12:22-24. The horns are God's Sons the archangels in whom He vested His power, Habakkuk 3:4; Luke 17:34-37. There should no longer be any doubt now about Christ's support of this letter series and its message, Mark 4:33-34; John 16:25. The time is right now, Matthew 11:25; John 16:4. Now read John 3:13, 6:37,44, 12:32. You see how Christ revealed the keys to the apostles in plain Hebrew (not plain English), but they could not understand his speech until the set time of Pravuil, the Holy Ghost, Psalms 36:6; John 16:7,11; Acts 11:5-10; Revelation 10:7.

We know that half of man's spirit, which is really the man, is from Wisdom. but let us prove this from other so that you will have overwhelming proof against any opposition. Look at Ecclesiasticus 1:10. We find that Wisdom is given only to those that love or can love God, but the revelation in it is that this is all fleshy men, Hebrews 2:6-7, II Proverbs 3:13,18; Hebrews 2:14-15; Baruch. Also Ecclesiasticus 1:14 explains John 10:27 and Romans 14:7-11. Our Mother Zion supported Jesus long ago, Secrets 30:8, Psalms 87:2-6; Isaiah 66:8-9; Ecclesiasticus 1:15-16 (her children).

Now our Father will add to Jesus' remarks and Wisdom's support by speaking to you through Paul once more, Acts 17:24-28. The Spirit may show you many points here, but I want to deal with that "one blood". It is the same that Jesus had. Every man has it running through the doorposts of his heart, and it is created with the faithful in the womb, who cannot do this: Psalms 58:3-5; Isaiah 48:8. The faithful can only do this: Wisdom 7:1-6. The unfaithful complain because of their entrance into this world, Enoch 45:1,2. Notice that one classified as a true sinner in the eyesight of God does not have the ability to dwell on the land mass of the earth. These are the offspring of the prince and power of the air, Ephesians 2:2. These words correspond to the witness in Isaiah 14:12-15,21-22. Men are exluded from such torment. That punishment is the proper "lot" of the "sinners", Enoch 54:6, 68:5. Flesh and blood men will bless eternally, Enoch 61:12.

Such words are a strong drink offering before God, Numbers 28:7; Jeremiah 25:15-17,27-29, 51:7; Ezekiel 20:33; Zechariah 5:1-4; Revelation 18:4-6. The powers of darkness are reserved to drink the dregs of God's cup of fury, Isaiah 51:17,21-22. The truth is light, and demons have been afraid of it for a long time. Demons pass through solid matter as if it were not there, and this earth appears to them as a vision in the night, Isaiah 8:21-22, 10:17-18, 29:7-8; Matthew 12:43,45; Luke 16:23-26. The sun, moon, and stars and weather changes amazed them and affected men whom they could feel, Jeremiah 10:2; Matthew 16:14. Demons expressed their fears through men they possessed. A man could be hit by lightning or have a sun stroke and die, leaving the demon a hungry and thirsty falling viper. They feared this until they sent possessed astronauts and missiles on the moon to prove it was solid and not a vision. Before that they were afraid, Psalms 14:4-5.

God blessed me and caused me to receive information from a 16 -year old boy concerning certain other "letters" of the Word of God, Psalms 8:2. Please order both volumes of: The New Testament Apocrypha, by Edgar Hennecke, Westminister Press of Philadelphia, USA, and Lutterworth Press of Great Britain. What will follow is certain considerations from Volume I only!

1. Page 163, Fragments 1-3. Michael presides over the bodies of men, but the power of creation is Wisdom. Mary only acted as a living parable the true role of Mother Wisdom. This wording is similar to that stating that Abraham is the father of many nations when in reality Abraham acted the role of the Father Himself, Isaiah 63:16. We cannot argue the length of time the flesh was being prepared before Christ's spirit was put into it, but it is written, Genesis 2:7; I Corinthians 15:45; Hebrews 10:5. The dove symbol is that of Mother Jerusalem, Song of Solomon 6:4, Wisdom 7:27, Song of Solomon 6:9, Galatians 4:26.

2. Page 166, Gospel of Egyptians.

(a) Job 14:1; 2 John; Revelation 6:9-11.

(b) The female here is "Babylon", Enoch 60:7-10, Revelation 17, 18:24.

(c) "Eat every plant etc." is referring to the thoughts coming to Salome, Genesis 2:16-17; Matthew 7:17-19, 15:3, 16:23.

3. Page 171, #4,5. The "cast offs" are innumberable demons, (and not fleshy men) who enjoy clinging, to us and cover us like a garment, Genesis 3:14, 13:16; Matthew 16:22-23; Mark 16:18. Jesus will receive all men, John 6:37,44, 12:32.

4. Page 175, lines 3-7 will be explained in detail from the Gospel of Thomas later on in the letter. But in lines 13,14 you must recognize that the twelve were bickering babes at that time, and it was impossible to understand many of the things we have written because it was not time, Mark 4:13; John 16:12,25; Revelation 10:7.

5. Page 176,#2. John 5:25, 11:25; Romans 5:6; I Corinthians 15:19; I Peter 3:18.

6. Page 197, Epistula Apostolorum 13, right column. Wisdom spoke through Her Son Jesus just as God did. You must recognize this in all writings because they spoke through the prophets also as did the archangels. She caused the archangels to sing praise to God for Christ and "to perform a complete service", that is, to bring in "whole sacrifices", Psalms 118:27; Isaiah 26:19; Luke 2:12-14, 3:22, 20:37-38; Romans 12:1.

7. Page 201, lines 1- 8. Pentecost and Passover refer to the feast of first fruits. Israel or all men are the firstborn having the first place in the resurrection is first fruits to God. All men are given the first place as beloved sons of God, John 17:21.

8. Page 241, para. 2. This is understood when we realize we are all part of God having a portion of His Spirit in His image and likeness. Ministers therefore who turn men to righteousness gather themselves, John 17:21; I Corinthians 12:27. Psalms 114:4. Isaiah 40:4-5.

9. Page 257, para. 3 is to be rejected, page 322, lines 13-15, Luke 7:35-48, 24:37-39; John 17:17; Romans 5:20-21.

10. Page 262, lines 15- 25. In a letter earlier we said Jesus was using the twelve as a bridge to phase out the Old Covenant, and they became the middle, between first and last understanding. Here Christ has testified also that the disciples, because they knew those things, became the Midst.

11. Page 289, Second beatitude: This stresses Jesus' understanding that men were first born in heaven and sent to the earth, Enoch 10:21,22, Psalms 87:2-6; John 3:13.

12. Page 290, last para. Here Jesus verifies what we have written on circumcision.

13. Page 299, para. 2. This is explained as John 17:21; I Corinthians 12:27.

14. Page 402, last para. and 403. If you believe the last paragraph on page 403, you would accept the idea of two spirits uniting in one body. But in the first two paragraphs it is Wisdom, who speaks through all Her children, who created and did all those works, Luke 2:40, 7:35. Only demons enter into bodies after the manner in the third paragraph, Luke 11:24-26; John 14:30.

15. Page 410, #19. This whole thing might seem to be a twisted addition, especially when we look at "The Lost Books of the Bible", I Infancy VIII:14. It may be hard to believe that a child of two or three might say such. We are on a sojourn in this wilderness of earth at the waters of Marah, Exodus 15:23-25. Because we know demons caused false accounts to be written, we might say the waters (writings) taste like wormwood, II Hermas Command V:5,6. At this time we will dip the Branch into the waters to purify them so that this becomes a parable exemplifying a spiritual lesson, Zechariah 4:12-14; Mark 16:18; Luke 11:40,42; Titus 1:15. We are saying to you to turn whatsoever is offensive in these works into a parable that truth might be in it, Ecclesiasticus 18:29. Now look at #19 as a parable, Genesis 2:19-20; John 12:32; Acts 11:5-10; I Corinthians 15:45-47, Enoch 90:30-39. Because you have enough understanding of God's plan of salvation, His perfect will concerning the judgment, you can turn anything appearing offensive into the glory of God by Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus 14:19-25.

16. Page 414,(d). This account of Jesus and John is to be rejected because of these words, Leviticus 10:6-7; Psalms 110:14; Haggai 2:10-14; Matthew 5:17-18, 8:22. Jesus had a habit of raising the dead, not burying them! That would be inconsistent with his purpose to a great degree, John 11:25-26. Jesus did everything according to the Law.

17. Page 492, Gospel of Bartholomew: Chapter I is a parable resembling that in the Book of Nicodemus. Chapter II is ridiculous (a) verse 9; John 11:3, (b) verse 13, 23:5; Ecclesiasticus 3:1-2, (c. verse 19, 12:46-47, 15:10; John 10:36, (d) verse 9; John 10:14; I John 4:18, (e) verses 15-21; Matthew 11:19; I John 4:18-19; Tobit 12:15,19, (f) verse 22; Revelation 1:8,17-18. Chapter IV is also to be rejected, (a) verse 13,16; Revelation 1:5, III , (b) verse Psalms; Wisdom 7:10 of Solomon 2:30,31, Proverbs 16:18; Isaiah 14:12,16, (c) verse 19; John 20:29, (d) verse 19; Matthew 12:34; John 8:43-46, 20:23, (e) verses 24-60; I Corinthians 2:11-12.



7. Christ and Raphael are Lions, Revelation 4:1, 5:5. Because they both are the Word of God, eating their doctrine will make it a part of you. Amos 3:8. We do not want Satan to become housed in our flesh nor his evil spirits, .

11. We are parabolized as the heavens being the stars of it, and demons crawling on us will be doomed, Isaiah 14:13-15. Demons are dead mechanical spirits and are not to be considered as living, Ezekiel 28:13; II Baruch 48:29,30, but living beings are procured by demons for possession, . In the days when we ate lies and became possessed, the demons' deadly wound was healed, Matthew 8:22; James 2:26; Revelation 13:14. He asks when you understand this, what will you do? On the day we were born demons quickly possessed our innocent bodies climbing through our mouths in a shrunken small form, Enoch 19:1,2, Luke 17:34,37; John 10:1.

12. John 13:36, 14:13; Acts 12:2. Here he answers they will all die and come to His throne, John 17:24.

14. Demons accuse us of crimes we do not know, Psalms 22:16,21, 35:10-12, 37:12-15. Demons are the only group of beings that go around biting men, and biting insects are their parable. When God allows you to see demons do this, you will be an eye witness as I am. They bite, kick and beat me daily, Jeremiah 51:35.

18. Isaiah 44:6-8; John 12:24, II Baruch 51:15,14,8-13..

19. Jubilees 2:2, Ode 8:4-22. The seven archangels are the trees that move, II Chronicles 16:9. Can you guess the rest? How about this for a starter? Zechariah 4:12-14.

22. He is telling you all men only enter God's kingdom, Genesis 1:26, 2:7, Secrets 30:8, Psalms 87:2-6; John 3:6, 4:24; Wisdom 7:25. A portion of the Spirit of God and a portion of the Spirit of Wisdom unite to form a son or daughter. When all of us born on one day and kept in a heavenly nursery are sent outside of heaven to be put in flesh, Isaiah 66:8, Secrets 49:2, Enoch 10:21,22, II Baruch; when all men shall be together in heaven in the end; when you make the Son Church and the Bride Church one in unity and they fraternize together in heaven not as separate groups; when God transforms us into the splendor of the angels, then we enter heaven, Luke 20:35-38; II Corinthians 3:18.

23. This is to let you see how many demons will be cast from certain bodies in death or otherwise, Luke 8:2. Also Deuteronomy 32:29-30.

24. Refer to 22 because God and Wisdom are One.

27. Fasting from the world of demons means refraining to feed them inside our bodies, Luke 15:15-18,24. Sabbath here is rest from one's works, but all evil works are put on the invisible scapegoats and credited to the powers of darkness only, John 9:4.

28. Matthew 12:43-45; Revelation 17:1-2.

29. Malachi 3:17; John 3:6, II Hermas, Command XI:1-4, Mark 6:6. Beware that Jesus does marvel at yours.

37. Isaiah 59:5-8; Zechariah 3:3-4; Matthew 18:3-5; Luke 10:19; John 14:21.

40. III Baruch 4:8-15.

41. Hebrews 2:6-7,14-15.

42. Hebrews 11:14-16.

43. Matthew 15:7-9; John 6:25-30,41,60-61,66.

52. Matthew 3:16-17, 17:5; James 2:26. They left out Wisdom and God.

56. Matthew 8:22, Hebrews 2:14,15, Jude 1:9, Luke 17:37.

59. Isaiah 42:19-21.

64. Revelation 18:14-20. Demons only will express grief at the destruction of Babylon for the city consists of them all.

70. Romans 7:13,20; Galatians 5:22-23; James 1:15.

71. Proverbs 7:21-24.

75. Luke 17:20-21; John 10:1,7. Although many demons surround each man, only the hidden inner man, God's son, is of the kingdom.

77. God the Father speaking through Jesus is telling us He is author and doer of everything, John 14:10.

84. I Corinthians 15:49,51, II Baruch 51:11-13.

85. Only God is worthy to be the Father of all because He is, Matthew 23:9;, I John 8:12.

87. Daniel 7:11; Matthew 12:43-45. Wretched is the man who has to depend on possessed men. Look at your newspapers and there is proof, Jeremiah 17:5-10. The invisible man of sin depends on the man of flesh and blood.

91. Here the woman is Wisdom who began with a full store house of children, Isaiah 66:8. Her sons were all put down in the earth and all fell through Adam and their bodies suffered the grave. She was not aware that Her children are dead because they live, Luke 20:35-38. She will empty Her nursery and then enter Her house, that is, the Church will then come home free of possessing demons, Isaiah 66:8, Secrets 49:2. Each man is a vessel of pleasure, Romans 9:22-24.

105. This is because demons know who their parents are and because they claimed them. But men did not know that God is the one and only Father of all men in every way, and that Mother Zion is our Mother, Psalms 87:2-6; Matthew 23:9. But demons are fornicators, and their offspring are bastards.

109. Matthew 10:8; John 4:34-36; I Corinthians 3:5-8. Now those interested in the doctrines of many bible publishing houses must buy the works of true men.

The Gospel of Truth is reminiscent of Odes of Solomon in flavor. The treatise is beautiful and true. The "All" that is sprinkled refers to all men who constitute the various portions of Himself housed in flesh and blood. In fact I saw in a dream that blood turned into multitudes of virgins! Jubilees 2:2, Colossians 1:15-17. When I read that text, I see God the Father, who simply spoke through Jesus, doing all the works, John 14:10.

In the next letter I hope to begin scriptural connections to explain and authenticate whatever is the Word of God in Volume II. What has agreed with the other scriptures I am pleased with, and I do hope you are. I expect to find still other witnesses to the things we wrote in the letter series you are receiving.

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