Letter To A Prisoner

Dear Bro. Rassullah,

Thank you for your letter. Concerning your questions about Jesus being God or the Son of God, consider the following: a pie cut into slices to show you the glory of our heavenly Father which men have failed to grasp. God is the whole pie. 1/4 of this is slice J-MEN. Slice "J" is 10% of the pie, a special slice called Jesus. The remaining 15% is "MEN" or all mankind divided into billions of very small slices. God is ALL in ALL! All men are spiritual offsprings of God planted in clay bodies like a potential butterfly is a worm housed in a cocoon. God is like the WHOLE pie which includes every slice.., no matter how small it may be. The "J" slice is Jesus, a special piece sent to do special works to get the "MEN" slices' attention that all of them are part of the "WHOLE" (sons of God) and that they should strive to keep the flies away (devils and their evil works and ways). With those things firmly fixed in your understanding, let us observe some relationships:

1. God is in Jesus and Jesus is in God, or the taste and flavor of the big piece of pie is the same as slice "J". Jesus showed us God's personality, John 14:10.

2. God dwells in all "MEN" regardless of race, creed, or color, nation, or the degree of bondage in which Satan holds them, Matthew 23:9; John 17:21-23; Acts 17:24-28; Romans 8:18-22,38-39. In other words, it is from eternal, spiritual, living substance from Himself that God created all "MEN", even as sperm is part of a man's body of clay from which another body of clay may be generated.

3. God is wholly and fully God as long as "ALL" His Body parts remain. He cannot be the same "Everlasting God", if portions of His Body are destroyed no matter how small the slice might be. Therefore it is not God's will that one sheep (human being) shall perish, Isaiah 57:16-19; Matthew 18:11-14; Luke 7:41-43.

4. Answers to your questions:

a. God is Jesus Christ, but only in the way pictured. The "WHOLE" pie is "ALL" of its slices. But Jesus is not God, even as slice "J" is not the "WHOLE" pie. Nevertheless all are ONE, and One is "ALL". Bless His name! ALLA(H)! To the left and right God is ALL in "ALL".

b. Jesus is the Son of God by his own witness, John 10:34-36. Certain men who "knew in part" have tried to make of Jesus more than God did or Christ made of himself, I Corinthians 13:9-10; I John 5:9-10. Jesus, "J", is only a slice of pie, but so are all "MEN" according to the testimony of Jesus, Matthew 23:9; Luke 2:10,14.

c. All "MEN" are born the same way Jesus was born! Sperm and egg reproduction of clay bodies is only the physical organic chemistry means by which God prepares a body house (cocoon) in which to implant His little baby spirit, Psalm 82:6-8, 87:3-6; Hebrews 10:5. To teach you the supreme wisdom of this, Isaac was born without an egg from Sarah and Christ was born without a sperm from Joseph! Yet earthly men keep judging by appearance and believe that men create men in spite of God's two proofs to the contrary! But the following rebuttal to the wisdom of man is written, Psalm 127:3, 139:13-16; Isaiah 45:9-12, 57:16, 63:16, 66:9. But you tell me how I can make men believe God, Jesus, or the Spirit of the prophets?

d. Looking at the pie and all its slices, you can see how we get more than three persons in one and one person in three. Truly there are billions in ONE and ONE in billions. What we have just discussed is Spiritual algebra and trigonometry. The concepts that are popularly taught by the church-world concerning these matters are confusion. My understanding is perfect and it is yours for the asking. God be with you!

Glorify God!


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