
Heaven is conducting a court hearing and the EARTH is TH(E) EAR and the outer court. Man is also a part of this hearing. The physiology of the human ear is related to the actual affect of the spiritual world upon the hearing of the inner man.

A. Sound waves enter the OUTER EAR and cause; motion in the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE or ear drum. This membrane

B. is connected to the bones of the MIDDLE EAR which transmit vibrations to the cochlea or inner ear. These bones are

(1) MALLEUS OR HAMMER to which the upper portion of the tympanic membrane is attached. Vibrations from this membrane are transmitted through the malleus

(2) to the INCUS or ANVIL. Vibration of the anvil

(3) affects the STAPES OR STIRRUP. The stirrup is able to rotate in various directions depending upon the intensity and frequency of the sound.

C. Movement of the stirrup rotates the OVAL WINDOW to which it is attached. The oval window is part of the INNER EAR or COCHLEA. Movement of the oval window causes movement of perilymph fluid in the

(1) SCALA VESTIBULI or vestibule which in turn

(2) moves the BASILAR MEMBRANE according to the frequency and intensity of the sound. Basilar motion

(3) causes fluid movement in the SCALA TYMPANI

(4) which then moves the ROUND WINDOW. Basiler movement also stimulates auditory nerve endings in

(5) the ORGAN OF CORTI and nerve impulses are transmitted through auditory nerves to the brain where we then perceive them as sound. Also, a part of

(6) the cochlea is the VESTIBULAR APPARATUS OF SEMI-CIRCULAR CANALS through which balance and equilibrium are maintained.

Now let us relate these anatomical features to the spiritual realism of how we '"hear" darkness while in the flesh.

A. Mad thoughts and wickedness originate in the TEMP(T) PANIC MEMBER who REIGNS and controls a man. He discusses plots and maneuvers with his fellow demons, Psalm 36:4, 37:12; Proverbs 4:16.

B. These transmit their words and convert them to what man perceives as thought. These black smiters "helped every one his neighbor: and every one said to his neighbor be of good courage. So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith (head of gold = Daniel 2:32) and he that

(1) smootheth with the HAMMER (demons who constantly bombard by repeating words to deceive until we agree to do what they want: Isaiah 30:10; Jeremiah 50:23) him

(2) that smote the ANVIL VIL-AN = VILLAIN: INCUS= (A)CUS IN =CU(R)S -IN (devils who enforce the bending of the mind and instill their will as our own, Matthew 11:12; Romans 7:15-25; II Timothy 2:26) saying, it (the act they hope to work in the man, ) is ready for the sodering: SOD ERRING (FLESH) (a firm determined commitment to do the proposed evil, Isaiah 28:14,15) and he fastened it with nails (demonic nails are anchoring words, Ecclesiastes 12:11) that it should not be moved," Isaiah 41:6-7. Other devils then STAPES= AS PEST

(3) STIR UP the man to commit the sinful act as their horse in battle over the soul.

C. All words are translated into thought concepts through a devil who makes picture images which we see on our mental screens. Since the demonically contrived instructional picture is a fraud the devil projecting it is analogous to the oval window. He is an EVIL WINDOW. (A perfect circle is the work of God, II Esdras 5:42 ). Movement of this window influences the inner man, Ezekiel 8:7-18. You understand that the temple in Ezekiel refers also to our body. A church has a vestibule and a vestibular demon is the link between an external demonic idea and putting that idea across to the inner man as a picture concept. All wickedness is weighed or scaled according to whatever it takes to deceive a man, Job 41:15-16; Psalm 58:1-2. So this demon is analogous to the SCALA VESTIBULI. Agreeing to evil deeds then makes a man base and the BASE MEMBER REIGNS and controls the man's actions, Zechariah 5:6-11; Matthew 5:44-45; Romans 7:20. Another co-conspirator demon must scale the design further so that it seems to be good, reasonable, or fun. He is analogous to the SCALA TYMPANI portion of the cochlea and his job is to produce a ROUND WINDOW effect (II Esdras 5:42). As this applies to religious persons, they must convince those persons they are receiving in struction from heaven. Together these devils become the false Gods, Christs and holy spirits. They are expert at giving false dreams. The overall affect of the devils' work is to promote unjust "weights and balances", or unbalanced thoughts and deeds. Thus a man becomes dross metal, a vessel of dishonor and an imitation of Satan's image, Isaiah 1:25-26; Ezekiel 22:18-22.

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