The Greatest Show on Earth

by Sue Sikking


We have been a part of the generation of humanity who have proven the power of the mind. With our minds we have witnessed the wonders of this age. Mankind has proven there is nothing the human being cannot bring forth with the mind if he believes and moves forth with faith and power. Strange as it may seem, we must know the lesser before we can have the greater. We must know the mind before we can bring forth the splendor and glory of the fullness of the Spirit that dwells within, for within is all which surpasses all. Within is the source of ALL. The most important, the most imperative need of every human being at this time is TO KNOW GOD IS ALL IN ALL AND THERE IS NO OTHER POWER. We must know all conditions and situations in the outer world are relative and subject to our knowing or not knowing this great truth -our Oneness with God!

We have said the mind was the womb of the world but we did not understand that this great power within has conceived in the mind all that it has brought forth or could ever bring forth. The secret hidden for ages and generations is now revealed to man. "Christ in you, your hope of glory". (Col. 1:27). One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all", (Eph. 4:6). To just accept this and believe it is not enough to set us free, for we must "KNOW the truth and this truth shall set us free" ---KNOWING is not having a doubt in our minds or ----hearts ever! To remember this great truth until we KNOW it.... we need techniques and reminders to help us release the traditional beliefs of the past. These beliefs are a handicap to our new awareness of this mystery which has been hidden and is now revealed to us. A reminder is something that makes us remember something else. At each moment, in every experience or happening we must know immediately there is something greater, and not be over whelmed by the incident or condition. We must remember we have within us a mighty power that at every moment will guide, direct and take care of us. No situation or challenge is final. There is always something just beyond. Failure is never failure there is always something greater to come. This is true even when we cannot see our way ---There is always a way, and we shall be shown that way.

Human beings have always relied on some talisman, some amulet or charm throughout the ages to remind them that there is a power that keeps them safe. It might be a crucifix, a cross, a Star of David, a Yang and Yin or a fish, but these are merely reminders. Reminders that they may remember and not lose faith or be filled with fear, but meet life with courage and inner stillness. Besides these outer re-minders, it is wonderful to have some thing special in mind to immediately counteract any feeling that may overtake us and make us forget our true self. We have carried over many fears, anxieties and judgments of ourself or others. We can get caught up in old traditional beliefs that we were taught as children, and we are reminded of punishments and guilt which are not true and are often harmful to both health and life. THESE OLD BELIEFS ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE TO LIFE IN THE UNFOLDING OF THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS IN HUMANITY THAT IS BUILDING A NEW WORLD FROM MAN'S NEW-FOUND GOD SELF.

Let your mind accept the truth, that your life is the greatest show on earth, and you are the leading man or woman! Let's accept this as true, for it is, that we may accomplish our desired aim PURE KNOWING. True knowing comes from our awareness that we have already played a thousand parts. We are God beings developing and unfolding through every part we play. The way we play it is the secret of life. How we relate to the other actors and the circumstances involved is the fullness of power. Never get lost in your role you must always remember who you are. You must know you can step out at any time and be yourself! You must remember that in the theatre of life God is the only Power and you are God expressing. Remember that in every part there is always the next scene and the next act and always the last act. There are no small roles regardless of our outer judgment or the judgment of the world. We must be ready for the great new part we all must play. Let us be ready ---THIS IS OUR TIME!

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