Discerning the Spirits

We know that there are two worlds and two kingdoms occupying what we call earth. One is the invisible kingdom of darkness ruled by Satan and his wife, Babylon, and the other is the visible world of the flesh and blood sons of God.

A. SATAN'S INVISIBLE KINGDOM: Proverbs 16:4; Ephesians 6:12; Colossians 1:16; II Thessalonians 2:7-9.

B. GOD'S KINGDOM OF VISIBLE FLESHY MEN: Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 45:9-12; Luke 24:36-39; Galatians 3:16; Hebrews 2:10-14,16.

1. ISRAEL IS A HEBREW CODE WORD MEANING "A PRINCE OF GOD" and God has revealed that all men are His sons, that is "princes of God", Genesis 32:28, Secrets 23:4,5, Psalm 82:6-8; Isaiah 25:8; Romans 8:2-31; Wisdom 2:23.

2. Everything pertaining to Israel which we read must now be applied to all mankind because all men make up the twelve tribes of the "princes of God," Romans 15:4, III Hermas, Similitude IX:163,164, Hoses 1:10, St. Psalm 22:27; Isaiah 2:1-2; John 10:15-16; II Corinthians 5:18-19.

3. All men are "Israel," princes or sons of God, and every man therefore takes part in the first resurrection, Isaiah 28:15-19; Ezekiel 20:32-38, 37:11-14, St. John 6:37,44, 12:32.

Question and Answer

1. What did Barnabas say about our fight with the kingdom of demons? Barnabas XIV:3,4.

2. What did the archangle Phanuel tell Hermas about demons? II Hermas, Command IV:7-18 (p.218).

3. Jesus said the thoughts and ways of demons defile us if they possess and control us. How did he teach the same thing that the angel taught to Hermas, Matthew 12:43-45, 15:28; II Timothy 2:26, St. Genesis 4:5-7; John 8:31-36 (New English Bible).

4. What things did Barnabas say that the angels of God teach us by forming our thoughts? Proverbs 16:1, Barnabas XIV:5-25.

5. What thoughts do demons speak forming what we call our thoughts? II Hermas, Command VIII:3-6, Barnabas XV:1-11, Romans 1:20-32; II Corinthians 10:3-6, II Hermas, Command XII:1-33, Jeremiah 10:23.

6. Since demons provoke men and form men's thoughts and desires for worldly pleasure and material things, how did John speak against their works in men? I John 2:14-17.

7. What other effects from demons did the archangel Phanuel teach us through Hermas, which show that demons are either in us or working on us?

a. The evil spirit of distraction and discord, II Hermas, Command 11:1-4.

b. The evil spirit which causes anger, II Hermas, Command V:2-4, 11-16.

c. Evil spirit of doubt, II Hermas, Command IX:8-10.

d. Evil spirit of sadness, II Hermas, Command X:1,215-23.

e. Demons who act as false prophets: , Enoch 68:5, II Corinthians 6:16; II Thessalonians 2:3-4,8-9, II Hermas X:4-14, XI:5-12.

8. Lying is the result of evil spirits in us. How did Jesus teach this? St. John 8:44-47. Because all men are of God being His children, who did Christ say was not of God in verse 47? Mark 9:1; Ephesians 6:12.

9. Demons were said to prophesy falsely, and they give false dreams and visions. Numbers 12:59; Ecclesiastes 5:17, II Hermas, Command IX:1-3, Jeremiah 23:25-32; Wisdom of Solomon 9:13-17.

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