The Anatomy and Physiology of Vision

No one can doubt that one of natures most precious gifts is that of sight, but there is an odd thing about vision. Everyone who sees also has a "blind spot" in the eye.

This blind spot, about one -twelfth of an inch in diameter, is where the optic nerve enters the retina. Without this conjunction, the eye would not be able to see. It is the presence of the blind spot that makes vision possible.

With both eyes fixed on the same object, we overcome this deficiency, for each eye compensates for the other's defect. It is only when we exercise "binocular" vision that we see objects clearly and whole, in their dimensionality.

Visually, we keep both eyes open most of the time. But intellectually and morally, most of us keep one eye permanently sealed. Because of background or training or emotional pressures, we close an eye to situations and conditions that we find distasteful, threatening, or contrary to our settled beliefs.

When we do this- and it easily becomes habitual -then the blind spot in the single eye blots out the fullness of reality, and the monocular vision distorts the depth and perspective of the object. I went to Loops Cafeteria to have lunch, and when I got to the table, my glasses were foggy because of the hot gravy that was in my plate. I at that time lost all my appetite because I could not see the food plate; after I removed the glasses, I could see the food clearly, and my appetite came back. Our "blind spots" of prejudice and fear and frustration and envy and self- satisfaction pervert what we see into a form and pattern that neatly fit our preconceptions -until suddenly, the full dimensionality leaps upon and forces us to open both eyes.

This is how revolutions happen- why czars an commissars and shahs are toppled almost overnight- because leaders see only what they like to and want to, believing until the last moment that their distortion is reality. History is largely a record of willful blindness by those who most needed to see straight and deep and truly.

We on the lower rungs conspire in our own personal disasters in much the same fashion. We see too little, and too late -not because we lack the capacity, not because the optic has been cut, but because we prefer the comfortable illusion we have grown up on to the abrasive realities of the changing times. Each of us is born with his moral and intellectual blind spot, giving us limited (Romans 7:20-24; II Timothy 2:26) choice and too often we choose to focus the wrong eye on our fate; Luke 11:34-36; II Corinthians 2:16; James 1:9.

The retina is the sensory end of the optic nerve which branches in the eye forming three retinal layers. The lowermost layer contains rods which give brightness and darkness perception and cones for color perception. Jesus was like the optic nerve "branching" from the brain (Father) Zechariah 6:12-13, and his disciples became the retina because they "retained" the light he spoke. Some became "rods" (DO(O)RS) to discern brightness and darkness, while some became "cones" (C seeing ONES) to analyze the light dividing it into its component parts. Jesus spoke light (broke the bread) and divided it among the twelve, but especially to Peter, James, and John. God (the brain) then gave them a mental- picture-concept, or an "understanding" of the message. Jesus himself was a "blind spot" to his disciples, for when (God) light focused on Jesus directly, the disciples failed to see along with Jesus' audience, Matthew 11:27; Luke 9:33-35; John 8:12-19, 14:7-10. Yet because of Jesus they could see, Luke 24:15-32,41-45.

The spiritual eye of the man of God today consists of the same anatomy, spiritually speaking. God and the angels are the in dwelling principles. He is like the brain and optic nerve and the angels assigned to the man of Cod become rods and cones. Together they give vision and understanding pertaining to the Word and works of God. By word of command (light) directed toward them, they enlighten the man of God's mind, Daniel 10:11-12,21. Light falling on the optic nerve in this case does not result in a blind spot. Instead a "manifestation of God's Self occurs, Matthew 11:27; John 14:21,23. Light was on the spiritual optic nerves of Moses' eyes when he saw the back side of God, Exodus 33:17-23. God has also shined upon Himself today and has revealed to me who He is, His works, and His purpose in them. But those ignorant of these matters have an obvious blind spot, and they are full of questions desiring to know these things.

Blind spots are also apparent in the eyes of those seeking to find God. They are the "talent" deficiency areas and ignorance. In this sense the same optic nerve (God) which supplies whatever resolution they do have as one or a few talents also withholds the understanding they lack. By (trading talents) seeing eye -to-eye with others having sight, they may decrease the size of their blind spots and increase their visual field and scope. God also rewards those showing greater learning progress with additional peripheral vision, Matthew 25:19-28. Because even seeing men have various visual problems having been touched only once, Mark 8:23-24; Luke 11:34-36, they have stigmatism, are near-sighted and far-sighted; have color blindness, night blindness, and depth perception problems. It is because of this that "some bring forth thirty and sixty fold", Matthew 13:23. Blessed is that good man with Jesus abiding in him who in faithfulness brings forth a hundred fold fruit in singleness of the eye.

Glorify God!

William Elliott and "GOOD NEWS"

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