Ode 41:1,2, - Ode 41:

Now we want to show you why you need all the thoughts of God one more time. You should realize by now that every Word spoken by God is exceedingly valuable, Matthew 4:4. Nothing that God ever gave to any of His writers was given in a slack or an idle manner. Needful keys are in all the works necessary to understand even the commonly accepted canonical works. How do you equate or explain the following "appearance of conflict:" (1) Exodus, chapter and Leviticus, chapter 1-7 and (2) Psalm 40:6, 50:7-13; Isaiah 43:23; Jeremiah 7:21-24? Personally, I cannot say if this dilemma is a reason why the Jews as a nation rejected God's prophets, but if you look at those texts with a "natural mind", you will not see the spiritual object God wanted us to learn. Once before we explained the spiritual objective or the spiritual worship God desired in the following texts: Psalm 50:14, 51:17; Hosea 14:2; Hebrews 13:15, (from LBB: Barnabas 11: 1-13, Letter of Aristeas VI)) Romans 12:1; Sirach 35:1-7. That is the Spiritual Law of Moses which cannot pass away, Matthew 5:17-19; Romans 7:14. Nevertheless, there is still a missing link or key which can show harmony between the scriptures "appearing to conflict" cited in the canonically accepted "Bible" and the Spiritual Law of Moses God wanted us to learn. That key is in Secrets 45. From that text we see God really desires pure hearts for sacrifices and the carnal offering was only allegorical. Jews need to see this paragraph linked with Hosea 6:5-7 to understand why they erred against the prophets. You need all God's words as Solomon wrote in Odes 41:1,2, 20:1-4, John 4:21-24; Acts 17:24-25. Now look at Psalms 19:7,10, 111:2-4, 119:162, 139:17.

Now let us link some pieces of God's Word puzzle from the "Bible". Psalms 33:12 analysis: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; Isaiah 2:2, 54:5, "and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance, Psalms 82:8, 94:14. These analytical texts show that God has blessed all visible flesh and blood nations as His chosen inheritance. Reflecting back on the blessing of Abraham that he was made "a father of many nations", Genesis 17:5, we realize Abraham was merely acting in prophecy the glory which shows us the Father, Isaiah 63:16, 64:8; Jeremiah 3:4,19. In Genesis 17:7 God established an everlasting covenant with Abraham's seed to show us that the everlasting covenant is established with His Holy Seed, His offspring of baby spirits. The following passages show all men are God's Holy Seed, Isaiah 6:13, 45:9-12, 61:3,11; Joel 2:28. We can express this point another way, Psalms 44:22, 100:3; Isaiah 53:6; Ezekiel 34:31; Daniel 7:9 where God is the Father of mankind, His sheep. Now we can understand how the covenant is established forever with God's Holy Seed in the following texts: Genesis 9:8-17; Ezekiel 1:24-28; Malachi 3:1-3; Revelation 10:1-7. So in the end of time we expect the "Messenger of the Covenant" to come with God's thoughts as a helmet of salvation, Isaiah 59:17. Therefore, the rainbow covenant is a timely message in season which should be taken from the angel and placed in our hearts forever, Jeremiah 31:31-32. Now to sum up this paragraph, we can say in God the Father shall all nations whom He made be blessed, and the Father of many nations is He. Revelation 21:3-4, 22:1-2 and Isaiah 25:6-8 are equal to Psalms 36:6-9.

Now be enlightened about the "144,000". These are God's daughters, the Virtues, Revelation 7:4. You should notice from Revelation 14:3-4, that these are virgins who can sing a song that men cannot sing. Actually, they constitute the "wave breast" (ribs are daughters) that Christ as a High Priest has received, Leviticus 3:34. These are the guardians who assist the archangels and teach God's prophets and strengthen them as they did with Hermas, III Hermas IX:15-17,117,121-124,141-143, X:15 (LBB). Now you know where some of the things I have written (I still cannot sing the song though) have come from, Isaiah 10:13-16, 27:9-11; Ezekiel 39:8-10 (weapon-demon), Psalms 149:5-9. They constitute Wisdom's army of helpers from Song of Solomon 6:4-10, 2:7. Of course I am pleased to have them as my helpers. Now you can see most doctrines concerning the 144,000 are errors: they are not defiled by these women, III Hermas IX:144,145 (LBB), Isaiah 2:12; Zechariah 5:5-11; Revelation 17:1-6.


Psalms 88:-6. Man is among Satan's images awaiting extermination since God first cut Satan down, Ecclesiastes 4:13-14. We are not bound in "the pit" permanently, but God will certainly remove us from it, Psalms 16:9-11; Isaiah 14:12,18-19, 51:12-14; Ezekiel 32:11-12,18-32; II Esdras 2:29-31. Woe to demons only!

86:9. The visible nations of mankind whom God made from His Glorious Body shall not be consumed with the brightness of God's coming, II Thessalonians 2:8-10. They shall all stand before Him in eternity and praise His name. This agrees well with Psalms 82:8; Isaiah 2:2, 25:6-8; Luke 2:10,14; John 6:37, 12:32; Revelation 5:13. The problem is getting men to agree with God! II Timothy 4:1-2. How sweet NOT TO TAKE AWAY from the conclusion seen in Revelation!

109:30,31 and 130:3-5. Anyone taking the side of "the accuser of the brethren", Revelation 12:10,12, is in trouble with Jesus, Proverbs 10:12; Luke 23:34. HE WILL JUSTIFY ALL MEN AGAINST CONDEMNATION, forgive them freely and provide you with these good words of hope, II Corinthians 5:18-19, Ode 17:11-14 IS MARVELOUS GRACE!

111:2-4. God's works, His Words He gave to His writers, should be "sought out" because He made them to be remembered. This also speaks of mankind, the "work of God's hands." All of us are to be remembered by one another, Genesis 1:26-27,31; Malachi 3:16-17, Enoch 108:11-19.

113:7,8. This is a quick education about what "resurrection" means. The following texts enhance this light: Ecclesiastes 12:7; Daniel 10:21; Luke 17:37, Adam and Eve, Apocalypse of Moses XI, I:3 (p .152), John 11:25-26. You ought to praise Him now!

119:108 and 141:2 are more on the spiritual priestly code of Moses which cannot be done away by man. You are your own sacrificial lamb, Psalms 44:22; Romans 12:1. Take on Christ's personality qualities, Hebrews 5:1-3, but not this, Revelation 13:11.

140:1-5. Doubtless "the Wicked", or "man of sin" refers to Satan or any of his invisible children. Every devil carries "adder's poison". Look at how he "adds", Matthew 12:45-48. Devilish tricks make the "net spread by the wayside", Matthew 13:4; Revelation 18:2, Adam and Eve XXVIII (p. 148).

140:13. All the "upright" will dwell in heaven with the Father. Gabriel taught Solomon all mankind was created that way in the beginning and nothing can be put to it or taken from it, Ecclesiastes 3:14, 7:9. Satan will still have to "Let my people go", like it or not, Isaiah 49:24-25.

145:3-7. Those who rise to Heaven at death become guardian angels and teach us to fulfill these words, Luke 20:35-38. The resurrection Jesus spoke of first began with Abel.

145:8-14. When it comes to mankind, God's love and mercy shall be given to them only because we are "the works God's hands," Isaiah 45:9-12. God will uphold any fleshy man who falls and will raise him up to heaven, Luke 15:18-24; John 6:37,39,44, 12:32. Simply beautiful! Romans 14:4,7-9.

79:11. God has heard this prayer and answered it in Psalms 102:17-20, 121:7, 146:9 (gentiles) Ode 18:7-13. When we read Romans 5:18; Revelation 6:9-11, 19:8, we realize that these are "transformed angels" whose bodies died, but they are warriors of God in the lower heavens, Hebrews 12:22-24. Obviously, Christ has opened this seal, the mystery of death in this letter series for those who did not know if before. Now we know why Uriel, the archangel, told Ezra "You come far short of being able to love my creature more than I, II Esdras 8:47. Now add Song of Solomon 8:6,7 and know our Father!

147:11. If you hope in the mercy God will give to all flesh and blood children, then you will be a delight to God! Ezekiel 18:22; Hosea 13:12-14; Micah 7:18; Romans 3:21-25, 11:32-36; II Esdras 2:26-32, Song of Solomon 8:6,7, Isaiah 65:12; Hebrews 2:14.

147:17. These "Words of God" vex demons like hell, Romans 8:29-89, 9:22-26. This is "hail" like "talents" dropping before your eyes, Revelation 11:19, 16:21. The temple is the Father, and the ark as we showed you are the archangels. The "door opened" is God's own mouth, Ode 12. Now you know the Head who operates my pen! This is the hail, MicHAIL, RapHAIL, SaracHAIL, Enoch 20, and their words, Isaiah 28:17, II Hermas IX:15-17.


Wouldn't it be lovely if all who read these words would agree with God's thoughts? III Hermas IX:57 (Speaking of God's rest) Isaiah 28:16-19, 55:6-12.

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