All creation and all nature show God's love for variety. There are various sizes, colors, shapes,
and behavior patterns in birds, fish, animals, plants, landscapes, and the seasons. We can accept
this variety and admire the skill and intelligence of the Creator. God also took the flesh of Adam
and Eve and programmed all kinds of variety in the genetic code. Today human beings are just as
varied as the other creations. We have been taught that all men are brothers. Most people can
relate to that rhetorically and intellectually. Nevertheless devils have told men that the variety
means we are not kin to one another and that we should feel uncomfortable and unloving toward
one another because we see the differences. How stupid we are to succumb to demonic
prejudice, when they are the real enemies and all our hatred should be directed toward them.
Devils are the perpetrators and the mental enforcers of man's inhumanity to man. You need to
learn to love all men like you love your own skin. God loves us as His own body because we are
tiny pieces removed from His eternal Body. Learn to love all men like you love yourself and your
own family! Come on! Dig into these:
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