Numbers 19:19; Daniel 9:24; I Timothy 3:16
Factors about point "A"
Jesus made an end of offering animals as a sacrifice by his own death as the Lamb of God IN THE MIDST OF THE WEEK, Daniel 9:27; Hebrews 10:1-2. Jesus as the "sun" of God represented "sunset" which consisted of his 33 years approximately until his death which marked sundown, Psalm 19:1-6; Matthew 12:40; Luke 3:23. Now look at Hosea 6:1-3; John 2:19, and also our time scale. Since Jesus represented the "sun" of the "midst of the week", or Wednesday, he signified the whole day, John 9:4-5; II Peter 1:19. In this light recall Barnabas XIII:1-8 and read Jesus' own words in Luke 24:40,45. We see Christ representing Wednesday will rise the third day according to what the Spirit told Barnabas. The 6,000th year signifies the beginning of the Sabbatical Day of God when all men left will enter into God's Rest, Hebrews 4:9-10. Thus, mankind representing the body of Christ will rise the third day as reported by Hosea. Let us notice something further about Wednesday, Ephesians 5:23-32. As the bridegroom Christ came to reconcile the world back to God, Psalm 19:1-6; Matthew 25:1-4; Luke 5:34-35; II Corinthians 5:18-19. Dying for all men, he has married us back to the Father according to His will, John 1:29; Romans 14:7-10; I Corinthians 8:19,20; II Corinthians 5:14. His will was recorded by the prophets, Jeremiah 3:14-15; Hosea 2:11,14,18-20 (Notice the entry of the Rainbow Covenant in verse 18), Isaiah 62:4-5. So Wednesday, the midst of the week, is both (1) WED-ENS-DAY (wedding) Psalm 22:27-28; Isaiah 25:6-8; Jeremiah 3:14-15, and (2) WED-NES-DAY (witness day) Isaiah 55:4; John 8:14-19; Revelation 3:14.
JESUS WAS GOD'S "SHEWBREAD" to show us God's perfect will, Leviticus 24:5-9; John 6:51 where the Father as High Priest was setting His word in order, Psalm 50:21. This time looking at Jesus only instead of Moses, the brazen serpent, or men knowing in part and short of the Glory, we find him showing us the application of the New covenant, John 5:8-17; Hebrews 10:14-22. Now Jesus himself is the covenant (along with the Holy Ghost and the archangels (Rainbow), Isaiah 42:1-7, 49:8, 55:3-4. Jeremiah prophesied that the New Covenant is '"not according to the" Old Covenant, Jeremiah 31:31-32. As we have proven throughout the letter series, the difference comes in learning and doing the spiritual object God taught as His Light through parables of Moses' Parabolic Gospel, Genesis 15:17-18; Psalm 78:1-5; Romans 10:15-16. Jesus was the lamp of light or the second covenant (shown to Abraham) who was to magnify or illuminate or explain the spiritual lesson God desired, Psalm 40:5-9, 138:2; Isaiah 42:21. Notice that Jesus made no change in the Law of Moses, Matthew 5:17-19, but he magnified it by illuminating its true Spiritual significance. So Jesus as an excellent schoolmaster taught us the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL WORSHIP GOD DESIRED AND GOD'S PERFECT THOUGHT WRAPPED IN PARABLES GIVEN TO MOSES, Galatians 3:22-24. The allegorical prophetic act, of a 24-hour Saturday (Sabbath) only pointed to or referred us to the Big l,000-year Sabbath to come. It was the "shadow" resulting because of "smoking furnace" effect seen as the first covenant God made with Abraham's seed, Hebrews 8:6-7. Jews who worship on Sunday are faultless in God's eyesight being "justified" by Christ's Superior knowledge, Isaiah 53:11; Luke 9:28-35; Romans 5:18.
AS A COMMANDER OF THE PEOPLE AND AS THE PROPHET MOSES MENTIONED, we see Jesus commanding the man to do work on the 24- hour Sabbath, Saturday, to teach us that the true significance intended in the 4th Commandment is a bigger day to come, Deuteronomy 18:15-19; Isaiah 55:4; John 5:8. Now to remove all doubt concerning God's Rest Day, Jesus said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work," John 5:17. The 4th command states that God rested the seventh day which He sanctified, and He desired us to do it on THAT DAY, Exodus 20:10-11. God's own witness is better than any as He showed Enoch, Secrets XXXIII:1 (LBB). Now for Moses, Psalm 90:4 and Peter, II Peter 3:8. So God was not resting in John 5:17 because as THE LIGHT WITH NO DARKNESS, he knew HIS REST DAY was almost 2,000 years in the future. So Jesus was showing us all men may work on the 24-hour allegorical Saturday by (h)issuing (Zechariah 10:8) in the light and magnifying the Sabbath Day to a BIG l,000-YEAR DAY of God's Highest thought. This REVEALS GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS ACCORDING TO PROPHECY ON THIS POINT, Isaiah 56:1. Also, this is THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS AND OF GOD REVEALED, I Timothy 3:16; Revelation 10:7. Christ has shown you this to fulfill, Daniel 9:24. TO MAKE AN END OF SINS AND TO MAKE RECONCILIATION FOR INIQUITY, John 12:5-8; Hebrews 9:26. If we had known these things, we who had condemned "would not have condemned the guiltless". Because the Jews did not know these things--- that Christ was showing them the workings of the New Covenant--- Jesus and his disciples were accused of being Sabbath breakers. Many members of Christ's parabolic body of mankind have had the same accusations said to them, John 16:1-3.
Factors about point "D"
The l,000-year Sabbath to come will be the beginning of the "new heaven and new earth" for all who happen to be on earth at that time. This point will be the ordered time in which the 4th command will be kept by all men at God's command. When God Himself speaks, we will follow through according to His Word being immediately translated into heaven. This will be the time when we who are on earth will be able to keep the true Feast of Tabernacles meaning the celebration of the return of God's Great Body of mankind, Hosea 6:1-3; Zechariah 14:16-21; John 2:19; I Corinthians 6:19-20. Conspicuously absent from this feast will be the family of Egypt, meaning Satan's kingdom of devils. They will not be present in heaven at that time because they will be damned. Since you know God has been removing men to heaven at death in every generation of time, they have been celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles for almost 6 of God's big l,000-year days according to the time scale. This truth is recorded according to the pattern God gave to Moses, Leviticus 23:34-36; Numbers 29:12-40. (Notice that on each day, they ate "the fatted calf" Luke 15:23-24). The animals offered signified the BODY OF PEOPLE newly come into heaven on each day. The type of animal designated in numbers parabolized the ranking, order, and ruling archangel over them, Secrets XXX:3-6 (LBB). So those who have not rejoiced when men died, have not rejoiced with God as HE BUILT UP HIS TABERNACLE WITH our (temples) bodies, Adam & Eve Apocalypse of Moses XLIII:2,3 (p.153), Ecclesiastes 4:2-3; Luke 15:22-24; II Esdras 7:78-99. It looks like most of us will not keep this feast until the last day of it, the seventh day, since we are so close to earth's end. Notice also in the pattern given to Moses that the eighth-day celebration coincides with God's program told to Enoch in Secrets XXXIII:1. The prophetical enactment of these things was carried on by Abraham where Isaac (pointing to Jesus, Galatians 3:16) represented bodily God's whole Great Body of Mankind, Jubilees 16:16-31.
The "year of release" in the pattern given to Moses is enveloped in God's big 1,000-year Sabbath Day. From Deuteronomy 15:1-2, we find that all debts were released from neighbors and brethren in the Lord's release. Since all men are brethren, God's big release year coincides with the big 1,000-year Sabbath day. God will let every man know who does not know it that He has "forgiven us our debts" as it is written, Luke 7:39-43. So God's method of forgiveness was expressed in this way which is another way of teaching His Atonement, Leviticus 16:7-10,20-22. Notice also that all slaves were set free in the seventh year, Deuteronomy 15:12-15. Even so, all men will be freed from demonic captivity on the beginning of this Sabbath Day as witnessed in the scriptures, Barnabas XIII:4,6, Isaiah 18:4,7, 49:24-25; II Thessalonians 2:2-10. Now let us see where "the Jubilee" fits on our chart. Look at Leviticus 25:8-10. The seven sabbaths of years occur throughout the seven big days of 7,000 years. Now the eighth big day coincides with the "year of jubilee" in the pattern given to Moses in verse 10. It appears at this time God will send every one to his own heaven and estate where he will reside, John 14:2.
Factors about point "C"
Point "C" is where we are today. Many horrible things are being done to us by devils at this time. Events marking this time are summed up in Matthew chapter . "Knowledge has been increased" on every subject as Gabriel told Daniel and as Jesus showed John, the "mystery of God is finished", Revelation 10:7.
YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, Galatians 6:1
When we consider the title and apply it to the throne, the question arises, "Does God reap what He sows"? Going to Jesus for an answer, we look at Matthew 25:24-26. In this parable "the wicked" and slothful servant is namely the devil, II Thessalonians 2:7-10, accusing God of reaping not only what He sowed 'but also taking what He claimed that did not belong to God. In this regard we find him protesting to Michael concerning the body of Moses, . Obviously stupid devils felt that mankind was free property for whoever claimed him. Look at Psalm 8:4-6; Ezekiel 35:10-12; Luke 20:9-15, Adam & Eve, Slavonic Vita XXXIII, XXXIV (p. 135). When we consider that Lucifer decided to be like the Most High, you expect him to take a possessive attitude toward God's stars, Isaiah 10:13-14, 14:12-14.
God's Holy Seed that He sowed is mankind, Enoch 62:8, Revelation 20:12. Now let us look at the parable Jesus spoke to teach us this glory of God, Matthew 13:24-30; Mark 4:13. Devils are the tares as Jesus explained in Psalm 127:3; Isaiah 45:9-12; Matthew 13:37-38, 19:17, 23:9. Doubtless, God the Father plants mankind, the good seed, Genesis 1:26-31, Ode 38:20,21. Because we are planted among tares, Christ expressed various troubles in Matthew 13:3-9. If you look at the situation ignorantly according to the dictates of the "gospel of death and condemnation" of mankind, II Corinthians 3:6-12, you may agree that most men are damned "judging by appearance" and "knowing in part". Now the question comes once more, "Does God reap what He sows"?
Uriel, the archangel, told Ezra that as the farmer is, so is his threshing floor", II Esdras 9:17. And according to Jesus' evaluation of "the field," the fields of mankind are white unto harvest, John 4:35-37. Jesus also said the reapers are the angels in Matthew 13:39. John prophesied that they would reap the earth in the end, Revelation 14:14-16. *KEY: Genesis 26:4; Psalm 147:4; Isaiah 41:4, 44:6-7; Galatians 3:16. We also know that they have reaped since they first reaped Abel. God explained it showing each man in each generation had his own special "last day" or "end of time" on earth, Psalm 22:29; Isaiah 27:12-13; Revelation 5:13, 20:12. Now look at this scriptural link, Amos 9:9; John 12:24; Acts 9:13-15. We averaged approximately 70 years in "the field" of earth, or the clay body, Psalm 90:9-10. Those "flying away" on eagles' wings, Isaiah 40:31; Luke 17:37, meet God in heaven at that time to begin participation in the Heavenly Feast of Tabernacles, Ecclesiastes 12:7; Luke 15:20-24. Look at what happens to every prodigal who goes Home: (a) He is dressed up and given righteousness as a free gift, ROBE, Hosea 14:4; Romans 5:18; Revelation 19:8, (b) He is made a judge of Satan's invisible nations, RING, Psalm 149:5-9; I Corinthians 6:2-4; II Esdras 5:42, (c) He learns and follows the gospel of peace, SHOES, Isaiah 52:7, 57:19; Luke 2:10,14; John 14:27; Ephesians 6:15, (d) He is brought into the understanding of the true covenant, FATTED CALF (PHANUEL), Jeremiah 34:17,19; Ezekiel 1:7; Revelation 4:7, 10:1,7. God shows EVERY MAN HAS HIS OWN LAST DAY and then enters heavenly Jerusalem, Isaiah 27:12-13; Hebrews 12:22-24. For that reason heavens' gates are open continually to receive men from all quarters of the earth, Isaiah 60:1-11, Enoch 57. All the eagles come rejoicing when they bring in their sheeves to God, Psalm 126:5-6; Isaiah 55:12-13, W:13, 61:3. Enoch and Ezra prophesied these things, Enoch 81:7, II Esdras 2:42-47, II Hermas VIII:10-14. Jesus himself sums up THE BIG DIFFERENCE GOD MADE, Matthew 13:40-44; Romans 14:7-9; I Corinthians 6:19-20. Christ has bought "the field" with rejoicing, Isaiah 53:11. Jeremiah and Hosea saw these things in a parable with their proper keys incorporated in them, Jeremiah 31:27-28; Hosea 2:23. So God's sons, the Jews and Gentiles, are sown among tares and amid sorrows, but in the end the angels reap them as "wave sheafs" of joy. Looking at our true scale and comparing it with Moses' pattern, all "firstfruits" are waved on God's big 8th Day. First fruits are every man as evidenced by the body of Christ, I Corinthians 12:27, 15:20, and also because we are "first-born" in heaven, Isaiah 66:8. Prior to this time "the field" Jesus bought is reaped for the six big days, but everyone will rest with God on God's Sabbath Day, Leviticus 25:1-5.
"TO MAKE AN END OF SINS," Daniel 9:24; Hebrews 9:26. These headings were chosen to stress Jesus' knowledge to show you justification by Christ, God's just and true witness, against "those who condemn your souls", Psalm 109:31. Perfect knowledge about God's House (Heaven) and His temple (Himself) revealed at this time makes it a necessity to undo certain "appearances of evil" which result from "knowing in part" and "coming short of the Glory" Himself in understanding and love, Jeremiah 7:4, 17:12, Song of Solomon 8:7.
1. Not one man-made building is God's Holy Place, Isaiah 66:1. Barnabas does a good job on this point, Barnabas XIII:11-24. Verse 11 is the point I emphasize because God will bum every church building men have made because this whole earth is corrupt, Isaiah 24:1-6. People are God's temples of importance, and each one is more important than the sum total of church buildings standing today, Matthew 24:1-2. Keep order and decency in your meetings, but do not make the brethren offenders ever small things because you reverence the building, Isaiah 29:19-21; II Esdras 10:51-54.
2. Since the buildings we worship in are not revered in God's eyesight nor Holy, and because the true Sabbath is yet to come, you cannot be condemned for taking collections for proper necessities on any day in the week whether in the building or out of it. Natural worships or '"service with men's hands" is not the Spiritual worship God is looking for, Ezekiel 11:16; John 4:21-24; Acts 17:24-25; I Corinthians 2:14; Colossians 2:20-23. God is now your temple wherever you may be on every day! THIS IS MOST HIGHLY SPIRITUAL. You cannot condemn persons or belittle them if they do not participate in "NATURAL" RITUALS WHICH ARE A "SHOW" OF WILL WORSHIP AND NOT THE SPIRITUAL OBJECTIVE GOD DESIRES, Romans 8:5; Colossians 2:23, Secrets XLV:3 (LBB), Acts 10:28.
These things are a part of Christ's justification for all who have been condemned for certain trite things which were considered '"true worship." God's righteousness is being revealed as superior to our filthy rags of condemnation, Isaiah 56:1, 64:6. Christ indeed has "justified" all to make an end of sins. What if Jesus '"causes the sacrifice and oblation to cease concerning natural worship? Whatever God's will is, when I learn of it, I will be quick to follow! Matthew 25:23-29.
Using Jesus' words in Matthew 19:4-6 that a man should leave his parents and cleave to his wife to become one flesh, let us see the ways in which we are (1) married to God and (2) married to Christ. Our scriptural foundation for this point is the fact that all men collectively are Mother Wisdom's Great Body. This is true not only because half our spirit portion is an integral part of Her Body and we were born in Her, but She parabolized Herself as the Church, I Hermas II:32-33. Every man on earth is a part of "the Church", I Corinthians 6:19-20; Ephesians 1:22-23. Easily, we can see how we are married to God as it is written, Jeremiah 3:14. It is because Mother Wisdom is His Wife, and every man was a part of Her before being created, and He married every part of Her from the beginning, Ecclesiastes 3:14. In this regard the whole world of mankind is parabolized as FEMININE waters, Enoch 54:8,9, Testament of Judas IV:6,7, (Judah is representing Christ here, Revelation 5:5-6) 17:15. The "waters" of mankind are troubled by Satan's wife who overcame them with hordes of invisible troops. But Jesus coming in the Glory of the Father as an actor represented the masculine waters of heaven, Enoch 54:8, John 5:43, 12:38,49, 13:31-32. He left His Father and Mother and became one flesh with us by way of birth, Ephesians 5:25-32; Hebrews 2:14-15, 10:5-10. Therefore, he is called the bridegroom having reconciled the world to God by his union with the bride, Ode 3:8, 24:6-20, John 12:32; Romans 8:38-39, 14:7-9; I Corinthians 11:11-12; II Corinthians 5:18-21. Jesus paid his bride's price by his death, I Corinthians 6:19-20. Obviously, only Jesus is the groom to the Body Church, his bride, John 1:29, 3:26-29. "What God hath joined together, LET NOT MAN PUT ASUNDER", Matthew 19:6, THAT BRETHREN IS A COMMANDMENT, Romans 8:38-39.
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