"Come Unto Me And Drink"

Jesus gave us a key informing us that the RIVER OF LIFE is every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, Matthew 4:4. It is impossible to live by words of death which never came from God's mouth. Ezekiel was shown that God's voice is the sound of many waters carried by the Heavenly Hosts, Ezekiel 1:24. LIFE ONLY is the message contained in the RIVER OF LIFE for mankind! Read...Ode 6:7-17, Isaiah 46:10; Ezekiel 18:32, 47:1-12; Revelation 22:1-2; Wisdom 1:13. These waters of life when spoken by the four Archangels form the "four rivers of Eden", Genesis 2:10-14, Secrets VIII:6,7. Also Jesus was commanded to speak waters of life so that his Words became "rivers of water" and wine, John 2:1-11, 4:14, 6:53,63, 12:49-50.

The River of Life does not contain words of death to condemn mankind, Isaiah 54:7-10; Romans 5:15-19; 2 Corinthians 3:7-12, 5:18-19. Notice God's River in Numbers 23:19-23, and where Christ shows you the Father in Matthew 5:44-45,48; John 8:1-12. Satan was seen in Revelation 12:15-17 casting waters out of his mouth after the woman and her seed. These words are waters of death and condemnation of mankind. Those who are the devil's advocates are filled with his floods and out of their bellies flow rivers of dragon-water. The very opposite occurs when one drinks Jesus Words. "Out of his belly flows rivers (words) of living water", John 7:37-38, Ode 9:1,2, 11:6,7, 28:7. Satan requires carriers for his floods and he has called almost all men to push his floods of accusation, condemnation, and death! Thus man's belly became Satan's hewn cistern incapable of holding God's waters of life and mercy, Isaiah 31:6; Jeremiah 2:13. "But it is no wonder" because demons are able to speak through believing men as satan did through Peter, Matthew 16:22-23; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. Peter was not aware that demons were speaking through him, nor were the Jews aware that devils were controlling them, but Jesus told them all! John 8:30-36. It was because mixed waters, part truth and part lies, were coming from men that James wrote James 3:8-12. Today "many (preachers) are called ("coming out of the ground") but few are chosen" (ordained from heaven). Thus men seeking God are innocent lambs and victims of satan carrying deceitful water for truth! Psalm 49:20; Revelation 13:11.

God caused a famine of hearing the Word of God exactly as he told Amos in Amos 8:11-13 . In effect, God restrained the RIVER OF LIFE! This "famine" was quite lengthy, but even before it came devils on the Bible writers were observed by God muddying up the waters He poured in the writers' ears, Ezekiel 34:12-31. This was done by flashing natural picture concepts to spiritual Words in their minds and by judging by appearance, Ezekiel 8:3-12; I Corinthians 6:19; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Immediately demons rushed in to deceive the world, Revelation 12:9. So intense was satan's muddy flood that when Jesus came he told a blind world, "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers" who led the Bible writers "in part", John 10:8; I Corinthians 13:8-12. The chosen writers themselves were "hirelings" of God... sheep whose bodies became "sinking sand" when they died, Genesis 22:15-17; John 10:12. Therefore be careful who's words you use as a foundation for spiritual thoughts, Isaiah 55:8-9; Matthew 7:24-27. Not one bible writer's words are superior to the perfect Words given to Jesus. But where the writers' words agree with the Words of Jesus, we know it is a perfect recording of the waters of the Holy Ghost! I John 5:7-11. Muddy waters recorded as interference from the dragon will always contradict Christ. You must be careful of Moses, Elijah, and Jacob "as well", because the greater excellency of the Words of Jesus is ours to claim, Psalm 87; Luke 9:28-35; John 4:12-14; Romans 3:23.

So lengthy was the "famine of hearing the word of God" that until Christ came, John was the only "chosen" fountain on earth among its millions. At the same time Satan had "called many" Pharisees and Sadducees to push his floods. When Herod killed John the Baptist, Jesus remained the only source, river of life, well and fountain of sun (son)-filled waters, John 5:32-35, 8:12. "Many are called (by the dragon) but few are chosen" (to preach by God), Matthew 22:14. Acknowledging that Satan had called the Pharisees and not God, Jesus told them, "Ye have neither heard His voice nor seen His shape", John 5:37. In effect they had not partaken of the RIVER OF LIFE and were themselves "famished". Jesus also revealed that his own disciples were sick from dragon water because THEY WANTED TO BURN UP PEOPLE, Luke 9:51-56. THOSE THOUGHTS WERE NEVER A PART OF GOD'S HEART, NOR HIS RIVER OF LIFE, Deuteronomy 32:17; Jeremiah 7:31, 19:5. Therefore those teaching that men of flesh and blood will be burned in hellfire are identified easily as dragon flood carriers. Because of the River of life, "ye shall not be consumed", Malachi 3:6,17-18. And THAT IS THE JUDGES REBUTTLE to dragonish waters men preach, Isaiah 55:7-11.

The depth and extent of Satan's floods is astounding when you examine all the doctrines of today's churches. Here is how Jesus described the church-world today, Matthew 24:21-24; Revelation 12:12. Gabriel told Daniel the same thing in Daniel 7:21-22, 8:8-12. Thus satan flooded the world through world evangelism by the many he called, Matthew 23:15. Men persuaded in this manner were rounded up like cattle into whatever corral their demons wanted them to go. The Holy Ghost will NEVER convince you that men of flesh and blood will be burned in hell-fire. If you ever believed that doctrine satan had you in a head lock! Thus men are "spoiled" by the dragon's waters coming from men's mouths they trust, Isaiah 18:1-4,7, 43:27, 44:22-24. Satan even bragged about his stranglehold as recorded in Ezekiel 29:3-5, but God rebuked him in Ezekiel 32:2-10, for muddying up his Words. Nevertheless, the River of Life is free to you, Revelation 22:17, Ode 30. Those waters have no death because God is death's plagues, Song of Solomon 8:6,7. "Death has no sting and the grave is without one victory", so that men's spirits are "cast up" to heaven as deathless life! Isaiah 25:6-8, 26:19; Hosea 13:14.

What you have just read is another flood, "as it was in the days of Noah", Habakkuk 2:14; Luke 17:26-27. Because of the "rainbow Messenger" preaching the everlasting gospel from heaven, no human being can possibly be lost, Isaiah 54:7-11; Malachi 3:1-3,6,17-18; Revelation 10:1-7, 14:6-7. These waters from the River of Life WILL HEAL every man, BUT SLAUGHTER BY FIRE IS FOR DEMONS ONLY! III . "We have heard the joyful sound", Psalm 25:10, 89:15; Luke 2:10,14. But one must go to God for a drink! No man can teach a drink in you. The Holy Spirit must Give you all that you receive, John 3:27, 16:7-11.

Because of Satan's flood and Michael's silence, Euphrates waters dried, devils increased their holds in spiritual warfare (Armageddon), Psalm 50:21; Ephesians 6:12; Revelation 16:12-14. Today God is vocally flooding you with these waters from the River of Life, Isaiah 11:15-16, 27:12-13. Take a drink and let it sink into your head that you are eternally alive and cannot perish. "Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death", John 8:51. Can you believe Jesus? John 11:25-26. Can you keep these sayings of Jesus in your heart... John 6:37, 12:32, 17:22-23...? Failure to believe Christ is to falter against the devils you hear. For example, until Michael "stood up" devils caused Darius to resist Gabriel's instructions that Jerusalem should be allowed to be rebuilt, Daniel 9:21, 10:10-13; I Esdras 4:13-61. Men lose in spiritual warfare when they resist the truth and because Michael's Words are dried to their ears. It is the "famine" of Amos 8:11-13 and the drying of Michael's words (commanding Michael to withhold his Euphrates waters) which has given demons the "appearance" of defeating men in our battle of Armageddon. But these are the days of Noah and all waters (angels preaching) including a Euphrates overflow have helped fulfill: Isaiah 11:9, 54:5-11; Revelation 10:1, 14:6-7. Look at what a cool drink of Euphrates water (Michael's Words) can do for you. "To die is to live"! It is to be gathered by Michael's angels! Luke 17:34-37, (16:22-24, 11:24), Ezekiel 1:10, 10:20:

A. D I E = E -(out of) and I D (SELF or FLES-H)= to remove one out of flesh.

B. D E A D = D E -(away from) and A D -(earth's added numbers)= division of the clay body to subtract men from earth's added numbers.

C. DEATH = AD (add) and THE-E (thee) = God will add you to the Heavenly Host, Isaiah 40:21-23, 41:4, 44:6-7; Hebrews 12:22-24. Surely God can count on you!

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