Now that you KNOW you were not "born by chance" understand that this life is just the
beginning of our conscious awareness. On earth men are given a negative lifetime episode with a
negative force the Bible calls the "powers of darkness". God PLANNED to teach us by
comparison and contrast and also by precept and example. There was no opposition to Him in
the beginning. He had to create a negative force with a nature the direct opposite of His nature to
supply the contrast for teaching purposes. Therefore each incarnation is dipped in hell on the
earth-stage for his portion of "exercise" with the kingdom of devils, Ecclesiastes 1:13. In the end
of each man's term on earth, God removes him for higher education upstairs in Heaven. The
Bible calls this "perfection". Men are removed or reaped from the earth daily and God taught this
in the Old Covenant as the "daily sacrifice". It is sufficient for you to know that Jesus said, "I will
draw all men unto me and where I am there you will be also". All believers know where Jesus is
and it is easy to see how the Father meets and greets every "prodigal son" redeemed from the
earth. Enough of this explanation here. Are you ready for some "GOOD NEWS"? Then click a
letter and learn your true destiny!