KJV Jeremiah 31:3 The
Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting
love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn
John 12:32 And I, if
I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the
Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise
him up at the last day.
John 10:28 And I
give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man
pluck them out of my hand.
John 17:12 While I was with them in the
world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest
me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son
of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
Let's Talk
About Love!
Ode of Solomon 8 1 Open ye, open ye your hearts to the exultation of the Lord:
2 And let your love be multiplied from the heart and even to the lips, 3 To
bring forth fruit to the Lord, living [fruit], holy [fruit], and to talk with
watchfulness in His light. 4 Rise up, and stand erect, ye who sometime were
brought low: 5 Tell forth ye who were in silence, that your mouth hath been
opened. 6 Ye, therefore, that were despised be henceforth lifted up, because
your righteousness hath been exalted. 7 For the right hand of the Lord is with
you: and He is your helper: 8. And peace was prepared
for you, before ever your war was. 9. Hear the word of truth, and receive the
knowledge of the Most High. 10 Your flesh has not known what I am saying to
you: neither have your hearts known what I am showing
to you. 11 Keep. my secret,
ye who are kept by it. l2 Keep my faith, ye who are
kept by it. l3 And understand my knowledge, ye who
know me in truth, 14 Love me with affection, ye who love! 15 For I do not turn
away my face from them that are mine; 16 For I know them and before they came
into being I took knowledge of them, and on their faces I set my seal: 17 I fashioned
their members: my own breasts I prepared for them, that they might drink my
holy milk and live thereby 18 I took pleasure in them and am not ashamed of
them: 19 For my workmanship are they and the strength of my thoughts: 20 Who
then shall rise up against my handiwork, or who is there that is not subject to
them? 21 I willed and fashioned mind and heart: and they are mine, and by my
own right hand I set my elect ones: 22 And my
righteousness goeth before them and they shall not be
deprived of my name, for it is with them. 23 Ask, and abound and abide in the
love of the Lord, 24 And yet beloved ones in the
Beloved: those who are kept, in Him that liveth: 25
And they that are saved in Him that was saved; 26 And ye shall be found
incorrupt in all ages to the name of your Father. Hallelujah.
Lost Books of the Bible and Forgotten Books of Eden, Collins-World
Give Me Your Splendor!
2 Baruch 49 1 Nevertheless, I will again ask from
Thee, O Mighty One, yea, I will ask mercy from Him who made all things. 2 "In what shape will those live who live in Thy day?
Or how will the splendour of those who (are) after
that time continue? 3 Will they then resume this form
of the present, And put on these entrammelling
members, Which are now involved in evils, And in which evils are consummated,
Or wilt Thou perchance change these things which have been in the world As also the world?" '
50 1 And He answered and said unto me: 'Hear, Baruch, this word, And write in the remembrance of thy heart all that thou shalt learn. 2 For the earth shall then assuredly restore the dead, [Which it now receives, in order to preserve them]. It shall make no change in their form, But as it has received, so shall it restore them, And as I delivered them unto it, so also shall it raise them. 3 For then it will be necessary to show to the living that the dead have come to life again, and that 4 those who had departed have returned (again). And it shall come to pass, when they have severally recognized those whom they now know, then judgement shall grow strong, and those things which before were spoken of shall come.
51 1 And it shall come to pass, when that appointed day has gone by. that then shall the aspect of those 2 who are condemned be afterwards changed, and the glory of those who are justified. For the aspect of those who now act wickedly shall become worse than it is, as they shall suffer torment. 3 Also (as for) the glory of those who have now been justified in My law, who have had understanding in their life, and who have planted in their heart the root of wisdom, then their splendour shall be glorified in changes, and the form of their face shall be turned into the light of their beauty, that they may be able to acquire and receive the world which does not die, which is then promised to 4 them. For over this above all shall those who come then lament, that they rejected My law, and stopped 5 their ears that they might not hear wisdom or receive understanding. When therefore they see those, over whom they are now exalted, (but) who shall then be exalted and glorified more than they, they shall respectively be transformed, the latter into the splendour of angels, and the former shall yet 6 more waste away in wonder at the visions and in the beholding of the forms. For they shall first behold and afterwards depart to be tormented. 7 But those who have been saved by their works. And to whom the law has been now a hope, And understanding an expectation, And wisdom a confidence, Shall wonders appear in their time. 8 For they shall behold the world which is now invisible to them, And they shall behold the time which is now hidden from them: 9 And time shall no longer age them. 10 For in the heights of that world shall they dwell, And they shall be made like unto the angels, And be made equal to the stars, And they shall be changed into every form they desire, From beauty into loveliness, And from light into the splendour of glory. 11 For there shall be spread before them the extents of Paradise, and there shall be shown to them the beauty of the majesty of the living creatures which are beneath the throne, and all the armies of the angels, who [are now held fast by My word, lest they should appear, and] are held fast by a 12 command, that they may stand in their places till their advent comes. Moreover, there shall then be 13 excellency in the righteous surpassing that in the angels. For the first shall receive the last, those whom they were expecting, and the last those of whom they used to hear that they had passed away. 14 For they have been delivered from this world of tribulation, And laid down the burden of anguish. 15 For what then have men lost their life, And for what have those who were on the earth exchanged their soul? 16 For then they chose (not) for themselves this time, Which, beyond the reach of anguish, could not pass away: But they chose for themselves that time, Whose issues are full of lamentations and evils, And they denied the world which ages not those who come to it, And they rejected the time of glory, So that they shall not come to the honour of which I told thee before.'
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of O. T. by R. H.
Charles, Vol. 2,
Luke 20:35 But they which shall be accounted worthy
to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the
dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36 Neither can they die any
more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being
the children of the resurrection. 37 Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth
the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 38 For
he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him. 39 Then
certain of the scribes answering said, Master, thou hast well said.
Ode of
Solomon 7
1 As the impulse of anger against evil, so is the
impulse of joy over what is lovely, and brings in of its fruits without
restraint: 2 My joy is the Lord and my impulse is toward Him: this path of mine
is excellent: 3 For I have a helper, the Lord. 4 He hath caused me to know
Himself, without grudging, by His simplicity: His kindness has humbled His
greatness. 5 He became like me, in order that I might receive Him: He was
reckoned like myself in order that I might put Him on; 7 And I trembled not
when I saw Him: because He was gracious to me: 8 Like my nature He became that
I might learn Him and like my form, that I might not turn back from Him: 9 The
Father of knowledge is the word of knowledge: 10 He who created wisdom is wiser
than His works: 11 And He who created me when yet I was not knew what I should
do when I came into being: 12 Wherefore He pitied me in His abundant grace: and
granted me to ask from Him and to receive from His sacrifice: 13 Because He it
is that is incorrupt, the fulness of the ages and the
of them. 14 He hath given Him to be seen of them that are His, in order that
they may recognize Him that made them: and that they might not suppose that
they came of themselves: 15 For knowledge He hath appointed as its way, hath
widened it and extended it; and brought to all perfection; 16 And set over it
the traces of His light, and I walked therein from the beginning even to the
end. 17 For by Him it was wrought, and He was resting in the Son, and for its
salvation He will take hold of everything. 18 And the Most High shall be known
in His Saints, to announce to those that have songs of the coming of the Lord:
19 That they may go forth to meet Him, and may sing to Him with joy and with
the harp of many tones: 20 The seers shall come before Him and they shall be
seen before Him, 21 And they shall praise the Lord for His love: because He is
near and beholdeth. 22 And hatred shall be taken from
the earth, and along with jealousy it shall be drowned: 23 For
ignorance hath been destroyed, because the knowledge of the Lord hath arrived.
24 They who make songs shall sing the grace of the Lord Most High; 25 And they
shall bring their songs, and their heart shall be like the day: and like the
excellent beauty of the Lord their pleasant song; 26 And there shall neither be
anything that breathes without knowledge nor any that is dumb: 27 For He hath
given a mouth to His creation, to open the voice of the mouth towards Him, to
praise Him: 28 Confess ye His power, and show forth His grace. Hallelujah.
What must I do
to be saved? Nothing, man! NOTHING!
Just wait on the "Smiling Reaper" to call your name! You have it made!
Check this out:
Acts of John
98. And when he had said this he showed me a Cross of Light firmly fixed, and around the Cross a great crowd, which had no single form; and in it (the Cross) was one form and the same likeness. And I saw the Lord himself above the Cross, having no shape b u t only a kind of voice; yet not that voice which we knew, but one that was sweet and gentle and truly (the voice) of God, which said to me, 'John, there must (be) one man (to) hear these things from me; for I need one who is ready to hear. This Cross of L ight is sometimes called Logos by me for your sakes, sometimes mind, sometimes Jesus, sometimes Christ, sometimes a door, sometimes a way, sometimes bread, sometimes seed, sometimes resurrection, sometimes Son, sometimes Father, sometimes Spirit, sometime s life, sometimes truth, sometimes faith, sometimes grace; *and so* (it is called) for men's sake. But what it truly is, as known in *itself* and spoken to us, (is this): it is the distinction of all things, and the *strong uplifting* of *what is firmly f i xed* out of what is unstable, and the harmony of wisdom, being wisdom in harmony (?). But there are places on the right and on the left, powers, authorities, principalities and demons, activities, threatenings, passions, devils, Satan and the inferior ro ot *from which* the nature of transient things proceeded.
99. This Cross then (is that) which has united all things by the word and which has separated off what is transitory and inferior, which has also *compacted* all things into one. But this is not that wooden Cross which you shall see when you go down from here; nor am I the (man) who is on the Cross, (I) whom now you do not see but only hear (my) voice. I was taken to be what I am not, I who am not what for many others I was; but what they will say of me is mean and unworthy of me. Since then the place of (my?) rest is neither (to be) seen nor told, much more shall I, the Lord of this (place), be neither seen nor told.
100. The multitude around the Cross that is not of one form is the inferior nature. And those whom you saw in the Cross, even if they have not (yet) one form -not every member of him who has come down has yet been gathered together. But when *human* nature is taken up, and the race that comes to me and obeys my voice, then *he who* now *hears* me shall be united *with this* (race) and shall no longer be what he now is, but (shall be) above them as I am now. For so long as you do not call yourself mine, I am not what I am; but if you hear me, y ou also as hearer *shall be* as I am, and I shall be what I was, when you* (are) as I am with myself; for from *me* you are what I am.(?) Therefore ignore the many and despise those who are outside the mystery; for you must know that I am wholly with the Father, and the Father with me.
New Testament Apocrypha by Hennecke-Schneemelcher,
Vol. 2,
For ALL Men, ALL Nations, and ALL Generations
ye! Hear ye!
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